Category: Lethal
Description: Anomaly #3 is a lake that has a Area of 2 ha, A Length of 270 m, with a width of 130 m. The water of the lake had a bright blue hue on it's surface but inside the lake is purely pitch black and has a Slimy texture when touched.
Anomolous Effects: upon contact with organic matter, The lake will immediately dissolve it to the bone. And once the lake is done dissolving said matter, It will immediately spit out the bones towards nearby land. If in contact with a Inorganic object, The object will instead just float on the surface, No matter the size and weight of the object, It will float regardless. and for a few minutes, The object will be flunged to the air by an unknown force towards nearby land.
Discovery: The lake is located in [Redacted] In a national state park in [Redacted].
I manage to be in the lake myself and documented it with my time around the lake, Here are the documentations i did.
I throw 5 pieces of chicken into the lake and the chicken immediately sank into the water until bones have been spat out of the water.
Next one is a rubber ball, I threw it into the water and its just floating ontop of the water, and for a while it got thrown out of the water by some unseen force. Next one is a mini fridge, As i throw it at the lake, It oddly just floats on the surface like it's a light object and then seconds later it got flinged away out of the water by an unseen force. I tried to tie a camera with a rope as i dip it underwater, I was able to snap a few photo's before it got flinged away. The photo's show how dark and murky under the water is and when i touched my camera, It doesn't feel wet and almost feels so slimy.
[End of Addendum]
It seems like I'm not the only one who knew about this anomalies existance, Other people also knows this anomalies existance before it was a lake, Heres the newspaper article that i found.
October ••, 19••
"Teens encountered a giant unidentified object."
An incident occured in [Redacted] national state park, Where something big destroyed a path of tree's in the park. Five eye witnesses described the encounter as something horrifying "It was a huge thing dude! Like very huge! It looks like a giant blob or something and the tree's just fall down so easily as it slowly crawl towards us!" Said by one of the eye witnesses that are in the vicinity. Oddly enough, The aftermath left something interesting, Park rangers have found acidic substances attached on fallen tree's and some below the forest fooor, The rangers we're confused of why this acid isn't melting through the fallen tree's but they found something more interesting. They found Skeletal remains of a bear, Wolf, and a person. And its confirmed that the missing person was [Redacted], It's still unknown of who did this mess and government officials are already investigating the location of the incident.
[End of Article]
I came to the conclusion that the lake isn't actually a lake at all, More like a giant sentient blob of unknown material that can digest and dissolve organic beings. Pretty strange that in the article it was described as a giant blob, But today is now just a normal lake. My hypothesis is that this is now just this blobs resting place, Or it's just stuck on a existing ravine while it's crawling away during the time of the article. Either way, This anomaly is an interesting one.
[End of Document]