Category: Mild
Description: Anomaly #4 is a Caucasian man named [Redacted] with brown hair, Green Iris's, and has a height of 5'5. His voice has a hint of a canadian accent, and having a very deep and gritty tone, And his age is about in his mid 20's.
Anomolous effects: The man has a unique and bizzare ability to regenerate any lethal wounds on his body, His body is immune to flu's and viruses, and can regenerate a decapitated head or limb. Any poison that entered his body will slowly take effect on his body until seconds later, The poisonous effects suddenly just dissapear.
Discovery: He is was discovered in a website called "Reddit" specifically in "R/Confessions". The man made a thread confessing that he has immortality and most of the comments mostly don't believe him for obvious reasons. I decided to give this man a private message and he answered my message instantly, He agree'd on a meet up to show evidence if his claims are true.
This is the reddit post of the man
[Reddit post]
I Have Immortality
I have learned i have immortality when i was 6 years old, I know this because during a time on my birthday, I tripped on a knife and it went directly to my neck. I felt nothing during the whole thing, until i stood up and realizing the knife is directly and deeply impaled on my neck, And then the pain just kicks in instantly and for a few seconds after mom removed the knife on my throat, It suddenly heals itself in a very rapid pace. My mother and I only knew about the whole immortality thing, and I'm here just sharing it if people out there would believe me.
[End of post]
Me and the man did a couple of experiments of proof that he is immortal. Here are the lists.
- Run over by a car (Injuries: Broken bones, Punctured lung, and a skull fracture)
His bones are making cracking and popping noises during the healing process and his breathing is rapidly getting stable
- Drowning (Injuries: Lungs filled with water)
After he passed out and lost his pulse during a two hour session underwater, After I resurface the man, His whole body is all bloated and his skin is now pale blue as water is leaking on his mouth. And for a few seconds, His body is slowly turning back to his normal physic, His skin turning back to its normal color, and water spouts out of his mouth like a fountain.
- Decapitation (Injuries: Head detached from the body)
His head got decapitated with an axe, In which I did it myself. His detached head still has consciousness after the decapitation, He can speak in full coherent sentences during this state but his body seems to be moving in it's own. After a few minutes, His body just stood up and then proceeds to approach his decapitated head and just reattaches it by placing it on his neck, Then the skin of the bodies neck just fuses back to place when the head made contact with the neck.
- Burning (Injuries: 3rd degree burns)
The man doused himself with gasoline and then proceeds to set himself on fire, It lasted for over 30 minutes before he told me to extinguish the fire, His whole body is full of 3rd degree burns as he moaning in pain. It took a full whole minute for his whole body to heal back to normal.
- Frozen Solid (Injuries: Body temperatures below zero)
The man is now stuck in a cryo therapy machine with temperatures below zero, Forty-five minutes have passed and his body is now frozen solid, His heart and pulse seems to stop, and only his eyes seems to only move during this state. And when the therapy machine was open, His frozen suddenly fell down to the ground and shatter into pieces. Minutes later where his skin is going back to normal, His scattered pieces suddenly attract into one spot, until all pieces assemble into the mans whole body.
- Gunshot to the head (Injuries: A heavy calibre rifle shot straight to his head that caused brain trauma, Skull fracture, and intense bleeding)
I shot a Revolver bullet directly in his skull and he immediately stumble back with a bloody hole on his forehead. He said it felt like a tiny rock is wiggling around his head each time he moves. Suddenly the bullet jumps out of his forehead as his bullet wound on his forehead heals in a rapid pace.
[End of Experiment log]
Over all, he indeed is immortal. It's unknown of what caused him to be immortal to begin with and even the man himself didn't know how he got immortal in the first place. I didn't force the man into these experiments, He agreed into participating with the experiments and even agreed to live in with me for further experiments and he quote "I don't have a stable job in the moment, As long as you promise me pay and free food, I will stick with you with these experiments you do". I guess i made myself a friend and he will now go under the alias "Avatac".
[End of Document]