Category: Mild
Description: Anomaly #5 is a Unnatural event of death's that happened in a small town of [Redacted] and The event itself happens when a subject dies from unknown cause.
Anomalous effects: When a subject dies in the vicinity of the town, The subjects thoughts, Identity, Language, and memory will transfer into another body. Most common instances are from younger individuals remembering they're past memories in the town and even still speak they're native language. The rare instances are the elderly individuals who keep on speaking a different language and seem to be in a panicking state.
Discovery: The anomaly was discovered during a news report of a 7 year old child claiming that he is once a man that own a store named "Rico Tire Works" and his full name is "Rick Samuel Mendoza".
I manage to take a flight into the location of the town and met some individuals that are willing to be interviewed
[Interview Log #1]
Me: Hello there ma'am.
Dolores: (Speaking in a almost quiet tone) Hello...
Me: I am Dr. Vince Crawford, And I'm here to conduct an interview with you about the strange occurrences that is happening in you're town.
Dolores: (She almost hesitated and finally spoke) What strange things?
Me: The sudden death's of the residences in your area and how those said residences somehow got their consciousness end up on another persons body upon death.
Dolores: (Her eyes widen) The-they... What?
Me: Reincarnated in another body ma'am.
Dolores: (She hesitated to speak)
Me: Ma'am... Are you aware of this anomalous event?
Dolores: Ye-yes... I am... For a long time actually...
Me: Interesting, For how long?
Dolores: For 16 years.... (As she grabs something out of her jacket)
(Subject show a piece of paper that has a note written on it that says "This is father and now I live in another body. Don't contact me, I'm in peace")
Dolores: It's a note from my late father who passed away ten years ago... and this note was sent to me by mail one year after his death...
Me: Do you know where he is?
Dolores: (She hesitated for a moment) uhh.. No, I don't...
Me: Are there any other people in this town that have passed and reincarnated as well?
Dolores: Uhhmm... yes.. It's those two elderly couple that have passed away recently...
Me: Tell me what happens next?
Dolores: I don't know after.... That's all I know...
Me: Thanks for the details Ma'am, You're free to go.
[End of Interview Log]
After the first interview, Avatac told me another person in the town is willing to explain the weird events that is happening in the village.
[Interview Log #2]
Me: Welcome Sir for our Interview.
Albert: So I've heard about this interview thing where you wanna know the- (As he stutters and stammering his words) Weird occurrences in our town?
Me: (I nodded)
Albert: I see, I am one of the oldest folks in this town and I'll tell ya about the whole reincarnation thing.
Me: Explain.
Albert: Well son, I will tell ya! The most infamous incident here is where Mr. [Redacted] died in a car accident and uhh... After 5 days when we manage to bury him, A unknown number suddenly called me and uhh....
Me: Then what happened sir?
Albert: It was his voice...
Me: Hmm I see...
Albert: He then explains the weird thing that happened after the crash, He said that he suddenly appear on a brown sofa while wearing checkered shirts and brown overhauls. In which he didn't wear during his death.
Me: Fascinating...
Albert: He then further explain of how his looked changed but his voice isn't and is now living in [Redacted]
Me: Thats awfully far away from here...
Albert: Thats all i can say youngin
Me: I will ask one last question, What happened to the elderly couple that have died here in this town sir?
Albert: Ooohhh you mean Both Mrs. and Mr. [Redacted]. I remember now! They both died from cardiac arrest like a few months ago, It was tragic.
Me: Is there more?
Albert: Ohh yes! A family of four visited our town a week ago, Especially the two little children that came up in front of my house.
Me: What did they do?
Albert: let's just say that i met a old friend once again hehe...(As Alberts face change into a somewhat happy expression)
Me: I see sir... Thanks for sharing this incident
Albert: Feel free to ask me anytime youngin.
[End Of Interview Log]
The rest of the people in town mostly refuse our interviews except for both Dolores and Albert. The whole reincarnation event that happened around the town is bizzare and it's odd why specifically this event only happens in the vicinity of the town, But regardless. I made my research about the event thanks to the people in town and also thanking avatac for assisting me during the interviews.
[End of Document]