Abel de La stared in sheer confusion at Ed Warren, fearful for what he was about to do with the paper projection in his arm.
When he saw him about to squeeze it in the way and motion he had demonstrated to him before, he began rushing towards him in order to prevent an abandoned demon from possessing his body.
Ed Warren was the movie ranker he wanted to train to become his subordinate in the tasks about to come and for that reason, he had to invoke the demons he wanted to take possession of Ed's body, and not for some abandoned demon to.
"Ed!! Don't!!" He screamed as he made the frantic dash towards where Ed stood at, fearful the demon that might possess him from His disobedience might be a vengeful and stubborn one.
But Ed had already been possessed before he completed the dash to the end where he stood. And when he saw the black smoke leaving the squeezed projection in Ed's hand and entering his body, he paused from his sprint, unsure of what to do anymore since Ed had already been possessed.
Ed stood transfixed as the black smoke entered his body,unsure of what was happening or why it was happening. This hadn't been what happened when Abel squeezed the paper projection in his own hands,so why was his different?
Or were the papers projections aware of who was before them and then changing themselves in order to be able to inject themselves into people?
"Ed look at me! Don't move!!" Abel screamed at him, instructing him to face his direction as he wanted to perform a spell that might expel the demon out of his body, and that was if it was not a vengeful and malevolent one.
Ed turned and did as he was instructed and Abel raised both of his bands as if conjuring some demonic powers to arise on his bidding.
But as he was about to direct the energy and field of power he had already conjured up in his arms towards Ed's direction, he saw the black smoke immediately getting rejected out of his body with a massive force, this made him pause the powers he has conjured, unsure o what had just happened.
Ed fell to the floor, falling unconscious from what he had just witnessed and from his death that got sapped out of him.
For Abel, he still stood where he was, still contemplating what had happened.
It was a bizarre occurrence for him to witness. Demons in paper kites and astral projections were abandoned as rejected demons,and they were vengeful, possessing the bodies of whoever came across their projection and without giving them the liberty to be able to chose if they wanted them inside them or not, and for Ed who was a novice at this place and the way the demon had been rejected from his body with force, floating away later while grumbling,it was not normal.
Who was he?
"Who are you Ed?" He asked immediately, not being able to control the words from leaving his lips. Who was he and how was that possible? Even the Baron found it hard to expel malevolent demons out of the bodies they possess, talk less of them being rejected out of a body, who was Ed and how possible was it that he had done what just did.
He rushed to where he laid down unconscious and began touching his chest and viral body parts trying to read the energy from his body, but still,he could pick up nothing. Ed was very weak. His muscles appeared worse. But what Abel wasn't able to grasp was how he was able to have done what he did, or has another demon inside him done that?
Immediately the thought occured to him, he placed his fingers on his chest again trying to read any demon energy from inside his system, but again,he could pick up nothing. It was almost as if Ed had nothing except for his heartbeat.
How was it possible that the demon got rejected from his body if he had no demonic powers or even a demon possessed core?
It was too mysterious an occurrence for him to behold, so our of fear of the ordinary that had just happened, Abel took a few steps away from where Ed was and rushed out of the hallway,down the path they had come from before, leaving Ed lying unconsciously on the floor.
The race to the Baron's room wasn't freely as Abel had to dodge countless people as well as sea of heads that referred him as weird for the way he ran but he didn't mind. They too would have done the same if they were in his shoes and had seen what he just did.
"A malevolent spirit cannot be expelled from a body it has possessed on will for trespassings except for the intervention of a Count and other high ranking position holders, but it can also be binded from taking possession of a soul by the binding abilities of a Baron. But" Abel began to rexite as he stood in front of the door that led to the Baron's headquarters, hoping that his words would get his attention and cause him to usher him in.
But the doors didn't open and it didn't appear as if someone was inside or even heard what he had said.
"A vengeful demon cannot be expelled from a body it has possessed unless a higher power causes it to or the Baron bunds it with his binding abilities…." He continued but again,no one seemed to listen.
When he was about to continue the third time, the door creaked open and a little boy peeped from the tiny space that had been opened.
"The Baron is not in" he simply replies before closing the door at Abel's face.
Abel ran out, sprinting down the path towards the hallway where he had left Ed unconscious. He has made a mistake and should have taken Ed to a safe place instead of the hallway he left him at,now that he cousin find the Baron he had anticipated seeing to ask hi questions, he recalled that he had abandoned Ed at the halfway out of fear.
Ed was no where to be found when he reached the hallway. He had thought it was his eyes playing tricks on him due to how perturbed he was but alas, it wasn't.
And in the whole lane that made up the hallway,no sign of Ed was seen. Not even the scent of him.