Gina... Is not in this chapt- Oh, she is? Sorry, folks. The writer told me not to spoil anymore, so I could not do a thorough check. Although that correction was still a spoiler. Can we just keep her away from this chapter? Oh, okay. Just wait, reader.

"No! We're all sick of waiting!" Marshfellow shouted. "Start the dang story!"

Hold on. I have more important narratory stuff t-

"No, you don't!" yelled Marshfellow in a way reminiscent of Marshpello. "I am not like him!"


Marshfellow sighed, "Ugh, who has the first line?"

"Ooh, me!" exclaimed a new character. "Uh, line?"

How did she make it through auditions?

"My name is, uh, Fleef and I am, umm, Marshfellow's girlfriend?" she asked?

Did we just go back ten chapters? Girls questioning their statements, interrupting marshmal-

"Can we progress through the story in peace, narrator? She's already messing up lines. You aren't helping!" interrupted a marshmallow. "And it was 11 chapters ago!"

Let us see... hack... orange... Harlie... puddin'... yep. You win this round.

"Uh, how do I win a round?" Fleef inquired.

"Learn your lines!" Marshfellow and I yelled in tandem. "Jinx! You owe me a chapter/girlfriend."

Marshfellow, aghast, asked, "A girlfriend? For real?"

"Yep," I casually remarked. "I will take a Gairyag to go, please."

"Here ya go, sir," grinned Marshfellow as he slowly pushed Fleef towards the booth. "Remember next time, cash, not check."

Fleef screamed in outrage, "Hey! I am not a [censorship bleep]!"

"Nobody is sayin' that you are. No money exchanged hands, after all," Marshfellow crudely rebutted. "Now where is my chapter?"

"But Marshjello," Fleef kind of protested, "I am your one, uh, true love? Don't leave me, um, baby? No, wait. He calls me baby. I call him... cream puff? But he's a marshmallow; not a cream puff. Hmm... Can we change thi-"

Marshfellow held her in his arms outstretched towards me, saying, "Here you are. No returns!"

You really went to the bargain bin for this one. Writer, cannot you make any decent women that do not go to the cloud?

"I am right here, guys!" Fleef said with a devilish grin. "What? It's not supposed to be devilish. It's supposed to be prideful!"

You have some work to do on that one, honey. I miss Gairyag... I call people, "honey", even.

"I am able to hear that!" she hollered with a... "prideful" smile? "No, this time, it's devilish! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" she cackled, finally displaying her emotions correc-

Wait. Why is it devilish? Why are you cackling?

"Where is my chapter?" Marshfellow queried.

"Why is a dog eating my script?! What's that about?" Fleef the leaf said facetiously.

The anthropomorphic dog wearing an "Excuses Eaten by Dogs, TM" t-shirt looked at us mid-munch and said, "Gotta make ends meet."

"Whoops! There is no script left for us to read! Guess I'll have to improvise! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" Fleef screeched unconvincingly.

I presume that you are responsible for this dog, Fleef?

Fleef denied, "Why heavens, no, my dear! Ehhhhahahahaaa!"

Fleef, as a boyfriend, I cannot be compelled to testify against you.

"Uh, really, it would be marri-" Marshfellow almost blurted before I silenced him with my hand; which he licked nastily; then bi-


Remember kids, anthropomorphic marshmallows have teeth.

"Nice improv! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" Fleef praised her former man. "My turn! Ehhhhahahahaaa!"

Would you stop laughing like that? The page is a lot longer than it should be.

"I can't help it! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" she cried while she laughed. "What's wrong with me? Ehhhhahahahaaa!"

I pondered for a moment, then remembered her struggle to remember her lines. Then I concluded that without her lines, or stage instruction, she has no idea how to act.

"Wha- How did you know?" she inquired, suddenly no longer- "Ehhhhahahahaaa!" Nevermind.

Because I am your lover. It is my job to know you, honey.

Marshfellow stared at us, confused, saying, "You two's relationship started two minutes ago, didn't it?"

Oh, what is it to you? You know nothing of true love!

"Yeah! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" Fleef agreed. "Help me! Ehhhhahahahaaa!"

Marshfellow typed something and handed it to Fleef, commanding her, "Read this."

"My name is, uh, line!" Fleef somewhat read.

"Your name is not uh line! It's right in front of you!" shouted Marshfellow.

Do not yell at my girlfriend like that!

Marshfellow idiotically rebutted, "You yell at mine all the time!"

That is not- Well, whatever!

"Oh, okay! I'm ready!" excitedly exclaimed Fleef.

"No, you're Fleef!" Marshfellow yelled unreasonably at my girlfriend.

What did I say abou-

"I shouted last time when you said not to yell, so I yelled this time to see if it makes a difference," Marshfellow non-chalantly argued.

There actually was a slight difference. I am certain you heard it, reader.

"I know I'm Fleef! I'm just saying that I'm ready to finish my lines!" Fleef hollered.

"It's soft to determine with her," Marshfellow snidely commented.

What is your problem, man?

Marshfellow countered, "What is yours for you to date this dummy?"

You dated her first!

"I didn't cast her!" Marshfellow boomed.

"Am I also a cast member? I only came here to see the narrator's face. I do not know anything regarding casting or fate being determined by what was already written last chapter," the eighth contest winner asked worriedly. "Should I come back another time?"

No, no. It is okay. Let me clear this up for you and the readers. We are in a book and the magical portal you came here through allowed you into the book as well. Inside this book, there are occasional chapters without explanation that have weird concepts like unalterable fate in the last one. In this chapter, we are making a screenplay that you just happened to interrupt.

"Is this supposed to be funny?" the sweepstakes winner asked.

No, it is just an expla-

"Then get to the funny part!" the contestant shrieked. "We do not read books like this for drama or education!"

"Fleef the leaf. I challenge you to a-" Fleef tried to continue.

"Amen!" you seconded.

"Can I finish my-" Fleef roared, but not loud enough to not get cut off by somebody else.

"I third!" Marshfellow bellowed.

"Lines!" Fleef roared, loudly enough to not get cut- You get the point.

"No, I don't," disagreed Marshfellow. "She just roared 'Lines', but without context, it's meaningles-"

Fleef screamed, "The context was cut off by an annoying little marshmallow! Ehhhhahahahaaa! Dang it!"

Marshfellow reread the page, then said, "Go ahead and finish your lines, then."

"Collision!" Fleef blurted.

"Without context, that is meanin-" Marshfellow repeated.

Fleef nearly repeated, "The context was cut off by an annoying little cream puf- I mean, marshmallow! Ehhhhahahahaaa! Why?!"

Marshfellow reread the page with the eyes of a ghen again, then repeated, "Go ahead and finish your lines, then."

"I did!" Fleef hollered. "It's your line next!"

"Oh, right!" Marshfellow remembered.

And you wanted to hate Fleef for that. Tsk-tsk-tsk...

"Okay! Let's go!" Marshfellow exclaimed.

Fleef, puzzled, queried, "So what do we do now?"

"Collision!" everyone else said at once.

"Can I just see your face? I am tired of dealing with these bozos," grumbled the eighth winning contestant. "And when are we going to discuss the mystery of the cloud?"

Not now! Tear him apart, Fleef!

"What happened to impartiality?" Marshfellow questioned.

That is my girlfriend. I am allowed to support her! You are going down like a marshmallow in sweet potato puree somehow thinner than the marshmallow's mass, dense one! Thank you, Anthropomorphic Dissers, TM.

"Couldn't make your own, huh? Haha!" snickered Marshfellow.

Actually, they do a really great job and the organization is quite-

"Hey!" the contest winner belted. "What about the collision? And if you are going to have ad space, my business, Shouting in Books You Are Reading, TM, speads across the gambit of genr-"

To the arena!

"Hold it, buster! I am not do-" shouted in the book you are reading the sweepstakes winner.

"It is Buster ED!" I mocked. "But seriously, we do not have time for that."

"Yes, you do!" she shouted again. "Explain why you do not, then!"

Look, there is a process in which you have to register an account, pay dues-

The contestant exasperated, "Pay dues?! Excuse me! My magical portal awaits!"

To the aren-

"Also," she also added, "you are not that handsome."

"Yes, he is! Don't mess around with my boyfriend, psycho! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" shrieked Fleef.

Thanks, honey. She barely got a look at me anyw-

"Hey!" Marshfellow the marshmallow did harsh(ly) bellow. "This is not a romance novel!"

Well, when it is my turn to have a chapter it will be!

"Yeah, so... jinx?" Marshfellow asked if I rememb-

Darn it. I owe him a chapter.

"Sooo... what happens now? Ejhhhahahahaaa!" queried Fleef.

"How'd you get that 'j' in there?" Marshfellow stupidly questioned. "Hey! It is a good question, you biased narrator!"

To the people-colliding-what-little-brains-they-had-left-with-my-girlfriend-being-the-exception arena! Who are you calling biased?

"You," you said.

Forget you, reader. Thank goodness for Forget Adverse Clients, TM. Hook me up, boys! Now, is this going to hurt at all, or- Yaaah! Owww! Ehhhhahahahaaa!

"Yay! My man's doing it, too! He must really love me! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" jubilantly exclaimed Fleef.

Ugh, that was worse than I could have guessed. To the arena, girlfriend, marshmallow, and random strangers reading this with whom I have no qualms.

At the arena, Marshfellow bragged about how easy his victory will be.

"It'll be easy!" he bragged.

Fleef boasted that she had never lost to a marshmallow before.

"Uhh, line!" Fleef boast- Honey, that is not the line.

"I know!" she screamed at her own handsome boyfriend. "What's the line? How do you even collide?"

Uh-oh. We are running out of chapter space. Good luck, honey. You can do it, [smooch]. Are colliders ready?

"Nooo!" Fleef wailed.

Let us get ready to rumble. Collide.

"Well, that was easy," Marshfellow said proudly as his opponent projected towards the cloud.

"I don't know what to do! This isn't fair! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" complained Fleef as she luckily missed the cloud and slowly wafted back down to the arena.

Marshfellow quickly mentioned, "Hold on," and then started typing.

Several hours later, Marshfellow handed Fleef a piece of paper with lines on it.

"Finally! Ehhhhahahahaaa!" Fleef remarked with a prideful smile. "Thanks for noticing, cream puff!"

You are welcome, hone-

"Awwwweeeeeewwwwww!" Marshfellow mocked two amazing people in love out of jealousy. "What? I gave her to- I literally handed her to you!"

I won her, fair and square.

"It was a jinx! That's not even competitive!" chided Marshfellow.

Unless you are a performer in Competitive Jinxes, TM.

"The sole exception..." Marshfellow rolled his eyes; in their sockets, of course.

Are you ready, honey? This "everybody can hear everything I am saying in this chapter" thing is convenient. Collide!

"Uh-umm, line!" Fleef stammered loudly.

The script is in your hands, honey.

"Oh, yeah!" she brightened. "I forfeit!" she dimmered; after realizing what she just said.

Thank you to the Character Dialogue Lighting Corporation, TM. You guys did a- What?! Marshfellow! You cheat!

Marshfellow chuckled, "It took you longer than the dimwit you're dating to realize it. Hahaha!"

Hey! They only just dimmed her! She was brighter earlier; well, after they helped! They are doing an excellent job! You just failed to notice!

"I noticed that you thought I needed professional help to be brighter!" Fleef puffed her cheeks.

It took him three hours to write two words. Trust me, honey, you look much smarter than him right now.

"Finish reading," requested Marshfellow.

"Okay!" Fleef obeye- Oh, honey! No! Do not trust him!

"It says I'm supposed to... touch the cloud? Okay, I'll try."

Noooooo! FLEEF! And... she is gone.

"Like I said, that was easy," Marshfellow smirked.

She was not that pretty anyway. I can do better.

"What happened to 'true love'?" Marshfellow teased me.

This is not a romance novel!

"I heard all of that!" Fleef shrieked.

This "everybody can hear everything that I am saying in this chapter" thing is inconvenient...

"Whatever. I don't know who would cast her anyway," Marshfellow shrugged.

"It was me, luza! Bwahaha!" thundered Gina. "Thank you to Hijack Somebody Else's Movie Production, TM."

They clearly do high quality work.

"Cheese puff!" Marshfellow's voice echoed. "Hold on. What is her name again?"

I just said it when she thundered!

"My name ain' Agen!" Gina clamored.

Marshfellow brightened, with the help of Character Dialogue Ligh-

"Hey! I can do it myself!" boasted Marshfellow. "Ahem! Aw, that's right! Gina!"

"Dat's right! See ya nex' chapta, ya doofuses! Bwahahaha!" Gina laughed sinisterly.

I told you she was in this chapter.

"Let's go see what she's laughin' 'bout," muttered Marshfellow.

We could just use Next Chapter Notes, TM. They have an excelle-

"No, let's just go," Marshfellow grumbled. "No more spoilers!"

"Aww, rats!" interjected Miss Ethel Vyric the disheveled psychic. "I just got this job with Next Chapter Notes, TM, but all the gigs get taken by the rats! They told me that you were looking for one, those darn anthropomorphic rats!"

Actually, I called.

Ethel cheered, "Oh, goody! You won't believe what happens next chapter. See, Gina-"

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah! Keep it to yourself!" Marshfellow rejected us.

Whatever. He will have to deal with it next chapter anyway.