Secret Admirer

Stella's POV: 

It was me in my head, I had no idea what was happening. I was in the dark. All alone. No sounds. How come? I don't remember what happened. I began looking around, but I still only saw darkness.

I debated on whether to walk around or stand still and eventually came to a choice. I began walking around, but still, only found darkness. I felt like, maybe, I was spinning, but not. It seemed like everything was a repeat of the last thing I saw, which was darkness, of course.

"Hello, child," I heard a woman's voice, but I still didn't see anything. "Follow my voice and you shall find a key," She says, but her words don't make sense to me. Finally, I see a small dot of light and follow it. "Finally, you have found me," She says. She was an old woman, her grey hair was neatly brushed, and her clothes looked unique and very expensive. She was wearing a very nice white suit with matching shoes that shone as bright as her and her necklace was made of white pearls.

"Hello, darling," She greets me, properly. "My name is Lucero," She tells me. "In Spanish, that means bright star," She explains. "Now I guess that your name is..." She pauses for a moment. "Stella, which, in Latin, means star," She says. "How ironic, don't you think?" She asks before I nod at her question. "Follow me please, dear," She says as she walks towards a door that just popped up out of nowhere.

As I was following her, I looked around in the light and saw squid swimming around us with tentacles that also shone brightly. "Here we are," She explains as we step into a white office-looking area. I looked around, intrigued. I've never seen such a room. Especially, one that was white everywhere. "I see that you like my office," She says. "I understand that you do not talk very much," She says.

I look at her confused as to how she knows that information. I mean I just met this woman. "Yes, I do know you, dear," She begins. "We have been watching you for quite some time and I'm glad to be able to finally meet you," She explains. I look at her weirdly while taking a small step back.

"That might have been a little uncomfortable to hear, I understand that now," She says. "So, if you will have a seat, I have something very important to talk to you about," She says, pointing to the white chair in front of her desk. As I sit down, I stare at the woman, waiting for what she has to say.

"Soon, you will be approached with a very difficult decision that you will have to make. This decision is a very crucial one and you shall choose the correct one or something awful will happen. I can't tell you all the details and I also can't promise that we will meet again, but I hope you are strong enough for this critical decision. We are depending on you, my child," She says. "Now, I shall send you off, good riddance, child. And good luck," She says before all I see is darkness again.

What just happened? Am I in a dream? Where did she go and what did she mean? As I stood in the darkness again, the strange woman's voice and words circled in my brain as I tried to understand what she was saying. Nothing she said made sense to me in the least.