
Waking up was like torture. For a while, all I saw was darkness. I wasn't sure how long I was in the darkness and the woman's words continuously circled my mind as my search through the dark seemed to never end.

I think the real question is Where am I now?

"Wait, was that my voice? Hello?" I say out loud. Um, this is very strange. "Oh my gosh," I whisper. "Am I talking?" I ask, knowing I won't get a response. "This is creepy," I say, nervously.

Since when did I receive my voice? Well, I guess I can just say it out loud now, seeing as though I can speak. "Holy crap," I say out loud. "I found my voice," I continue. "That woman must have helped me in some way." I finish.

Soon, I saw light again and slowly paced myself towards it. Carefully stepping towards it, I eventually feel my body again and immediately bring my body up very quickly.

Looking around, I saw what looked like a hospital room with strangers around me. There was this woman who looked at me with tears in her eyes and a shocked look on her face. She quickly made her way over to me and called me Stella. How does she know me?

"We missed you dear," She says. "Please don't worry me again like this," She says, kissing my cheek. When I was about to speak, my voice was gone again. Why can't I speak now? I was just able to speak.

"Doctor, why is she looking at me like this?" The woman asks, pointing to me.

"Do you know where you are?" The doctor asks. I shake my head no as a response. "It looks like she is suffering from amnesia. While she was out, we did take a few brain tests and we did determine this, so it is very normal, especially after this sort of circumstance," He explains to the woman. "This means that she will be able to remember everything, it might take 2 hours to a week to remember it all," He finishes.

"Doctor, are you kidding me?" She asks, freaking out. I was still confused about everything. Suddenly, I tried to sit up again, but I felt all of the pain in my body. It hurt, like I got hit by a... Wait, I remember.

Flashes of the incident came and went through my brain as my brain automatically began to make sense and I was starting to remember everything. The sirens, the car, the doctors, everything.

"Mom," I cough out as I suddenly feel my mouth dry. At my words, my mom gasps in shock.

"Here," A different guy hands me a glass of water before my mom runs towards me and holds me in a strong hug while helping me spill my water.

"I'm sorry," She says, tears in her eyes.

"It's okay," I say after a few sips of water.

"Oh my god," she says, holding me again. "Thank you so much," she whispers. I can feel her tears, but I don't complain.

"Do you remember what happened, Ms. Wright?" The doctor asks me.

"I think so," I say.

"If you remember, do you mind reminding me?" The doctor asks, probably already knowing what happened.

"Of course," I say, thinking hard. "I was, um," I pause for a second. "I was walking down the street when I was hit by a car, I think," I pause again. "I remember the siren noises and a few people racing towards me before everything else is kind of blacked out," I explain. "I remember not being able to speak, but now, I can," I say, questioning this whole situation.

"That must be difficult to comprehend," the doctor says. "It must have been all of the shock that finally helped you find your voice. It's on an infrequent occasion when this happens, so congratulations," he finishes.

"Mom," I get her attention. As soon she looked my way, I looked at the strange man at my bedside. "Who is this?" I ask before noticing him glance at my mother, worriedly.

"He is-" She pauses for a second while looking at the man. "He's one of my coworkers," She says. "He saw me running this way and followed me," She finishes. And of course, I believe her, she never lies to me.

I mean we pretty much tell each other everything. It's more like she tells me everything, before now, I didn't speak at all.

"Okay, well doesn't he have to get back to work?" I ask.

"Oh right," My mom says. "You can go," She tells him while giving him a look that I have never seen in her eyes. Well, that was weird, but okay.

"Do you know who hit me?" I ask my mom.

"No," She says. "The doctor told me that you have zero broken bones, just some bruised bones and bruises on your skin," She explains. I look at my skin to find the blue tint on them.

"When do you think I'll stop feeling the pain?" I ask the doctor.

"I have given your mother medication to help with the pain in your body. Please only take two at a time," He says.

"Well, can I have one of them right now?" I ask. A couple of seconds later, my mom grabbed the bottle and gave me two pills with a glass of water. Not too long later, my pain subsided.