I was awake with a single tap of Daiki; my instinct had already made me latch on to my sword, my movements stopping in place at seeing the familiar figure.
"Bro, chill, it's me," the brown-haired man responded in kind with a kunai, blocking my raised sword.
I rubbed my eyes, a yawn escaping my lips...how much had I slept?
'I have no freaking idea.'
"What are you doing in my tent, Daiki?" I asked him while putting my sword down; he had long since put his kunai back as well.
"Well, we have a mission. I don't know much about it, but the order is from higher up."
I looked at him, squinting my eyes, "How high are we talking?"
"Hokage kind of high, bro," he spoke while slicking back his unkempt hair.
"What!!!!" I sat upright on my bed. "We should hurry.".
My mind was in turmoil; not one day of actually living in this world, and the Hokage had already noticed...
'Could it be root?' A small whisper echoed in my mind...
'However, I am far too insignificant to be a target ... right?'
From what I could gather from the memories, the previous Kagami might be talentless...but hard work was something he aced.
From what I could gather, even my mission history was pretty decent.
However, I doubt that mattered...
'Danzo'... could it be him...?
I was worried; I had just come into this world, fought my first fight, had my first taste of growth...
'Perhaps I am worrying too much; let's first see what the mission is about.' My tensed eyebrows relaxed.
"Hey, give me two minutes to get ready." My lazy voice reached him, and with a playful nod, he was out.
'Let's organize,' I thought, my body moving in rhythmic motion.
I strapped my sword to my back and washed my face...there wasn't much more I could do in the meager time I had.
Walking outside, I was greeted with the idle face of Daiki.
"Let's go now." I nodded towards him, and we both left to reach the camp.
Entering the area holding the camp, the structure of it left me underwhelmed; green flaps covered the main residence of the heads, and tents had been set up with a huge one in the middle.
Large earth walls had been prepared to focus on security; however, most guards were genins, with a few barely being chunin.
Making our way to the camp door, I was greeted with the sight of two guards staring down at us.
"Entrance slip," he spoke in a deep voice; his hand firmly held the slip that Daiki provided.
He turned his head upwards and continued, "Badges.".
We soon showed our identity badge and moved into the camp.
3 Jonins were discussing a small procto map, perhaps made around our camp.
One of the jonins looked towards us. He seemed to be a lean man, with a scar on his left cheek that stretched up to his forehead; his hardened eyes bore onto us.
Around the jonin were two more genins waiting; I soon joined them.
He turned towards us and spoke, "There is a mission for all of you. Daiki, you will be the squad leader for this mission.".
Daiki, who nodded and answered, "Yes, sir.".
"The mission is as follows: your team has to go for information gathering with Team 7 that graduated this year." He looked towards me and continued, "The mission itself looks like information gathering, but you are not supposed to interfere in their search; your only job is to protect them.".
"Is that understood?"
"Yes, sir" was the collective response.
"Alright, you may depart in thirty minutes." He put the mission scroll in Daiki's hands and joined the other jonins.
outside the tent I finnaly had chance to talk to my fellow temporary teammates, however he beat me to the chase.
"Hey, you are that guy," the taller one of the two spoke, "the one who helped us in that fight against the two Suna genins.".
The shorter one had a scar on his lip; he spoke, "Thanks for helping us that day; we perhaps survived thanks to you." He put his hands forward, "Mezuki Inuzuka,"
I shook his hand and responded, "Kagami," then I shook the other guy's hand, to which he told me his name as well.
Kuro Inuzuka.
Both are part of the Inuzuka clan, brothers perhaps.
'It seems I got somewhat capable teammates,' I thought to myself as I observed their guarded stances.
However, there was something odd; they had no dogs with them.
The taller one, Kuro, recognized my question before I had the chance to even speak out loud.
His voice palpated grief as he said, "We both had our ninkens too once; however, during a mission, to save us, they both sacrificed their lives.".
The shorter one, Mezuki continued, "we still miss them a lot, so sorry, this is not a good topic for us, so kindly don't bring it up again.".
"My condolences." They were already very sad just at the mention of the topic; I felt somewhat responsible to at least give words of help. "It might not help, but I believe this world has a heaven; every soul, even dogs, goes there; they will be watching over you all, you know.".
They looked shocked but soon calmed down.
Kuro nodded, and silence set in between us.
'I am not heartless; I don't want to be.'. I thought once again...in contrast to the countless murders I had done in the battle.
'Do I really deserve to be kind...am I not just another murderer now?' A small hint of doubt crept in me.
But it was small for a reason...I knew what I did and why...because at the end of the day I killed those other ninjas because I had no choice but to survive...becoming heartless and cruel wasn't something I was keen on becoming.
Daiki was soon out of the tent. "Well, what's with the awkward silence, you all?" he put us in a group hug. "Kuro, Mezuki, and Kagami, we got a mission from the Hokage himself. If we do really well, we might even get promoted.". He spoke with an excited grin.
"Come on, cheer up a bit.".
I looked towards him in surprise, "You know them?".
Daiki nodded, his head held high, "Of course I do. Do you have any idea how popular I am?".
I could almost feel his nose elongating.
'This self-complimenting bastard.'
However, Kuro responded with a smirk, "Only among men, though.".
"You bastard, don't try to shame me." Daiki was already on him, cheering up our moods.
Our meet had ended, and I was already on my way to the destination.
At gate three of the camp, Daiki had designated the spot as the one where we were supposed to meet.
So I did what any sane man would do... I strapped my sword to my back while carrying every single supply I could get a hold of.
Before I could even see the gates, I saw Daiki there standing with Kuro.
I waved towards them, "Where's Mezuki?"
"He's coming, apparently; food last night made him get a bad stomach.".
"Hehe." I could only laugh at that.
"Quite the fearsome shinobi your brother is.".
"Oi, are you all talking about me?" Mezuki was already here, panting, "If you didn't know, I was practicing jutsu, nothing else. Got that?".
"Yeah, sure, sure.". We all replied together.
"Alright, you guys, let's go; we have to reach camp -5 by nightfall.".
That was our cue, and the next thing I know, I was jumping trees...in a pronged formation.
'I will be meeting Kakashi, huh?' I thought...in the memories of this world, I had never met him before.
But I knew what he was going to be.
'Copy ninja Kakashi.'.
For every 100 Powerstones, a bonus chapter!
Thanks for reading. ;)
He will finally meet a named character (the 50/50 man).