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A Priestess's Purge
(Four months later)
"I need to sleep my way through a brothel!?"
The High Priestess coughs lightly into her hand. My head is still spinning—I can't believe what I just heard.
She taps a wrinkled finger against the altar. It isn't until the soft chants and striking of the flint over the candles resumes that I realize the prayer hall had fallen into silence.
I can feel my cheeks burning. I force myself back onto the pedestal in front of the High Priestess' platform.
"Acolyte Lex," she says gently, looking up at me. It's always strange to be here on the platform standing next to her. Despite her age and dwarven stature, her presence fills the entire chamber when she leads the prayers.
"You've done so well here over the past few months," she continues, "but it seems I must remind you of our teachings—in order to move forward in service to the Goddess, you must leave your burdens behind. And you've been quite clear that your burdens are…" she coughs lightly again. "of a certain kind. Which is no concern, you're certainly not the first." She brushes out an invisible crease in the altar cloth. When she's satisfied, she looks back at me. "In order to move forward and become a novice priestess, you must go through a week of cleansing. Although our tasks may vary, all of us must do it."
"I know that, I do, but…" I wring my hands in my pale gray acolyte robes. "why...that, of all things?"
"The Goddess Illustria teaches kindness in the face of cruelty, and endurance in the face of hardship," she recites, as she does every day during the morning chant. "This is but one kind of endurance. Consider it a challenge to show your dedication as well as a cleansing of raw desire. When the week is complete, we will have a ceremony to celebrate leaving your past life behind. You'll be ready to become a priestess of Illustria."
Her old gray eyes are strict, but there's both kindness and empathy in their depths. "Do you understand?"
"Good. Now please distribute the candles; the delivery person left them by the donation box. When you've finished, come speak with me."
I'm in a bit of a haze as I collect the box and begin restocking the candles beneath the displays in each alcove. I can barely focus on the boxes, and I almost take a box full of bread. I have an armful of day-old croissants before I realize my mistake.
I set it down with a sigh and grab the candles.
I have to sleep with women… in order to become a priestess…
I clench my teeth. The whole point of me coming here was to live a life of celibacy! Temple life isn't bad, sure, but it sure isn't easy either. If I can't even avoid women and run away from my broken heart, then why bother!?
The High Priestess's words echo in my ears. It sounds just like one of her daily chants—soft, gentle, and even. Still, it's hard to calm down.
I set the final box of candles beneath the main altar. As I stand up, I take a long and slow breath. The scents of the temple—incense and warm beeswax—help me to reground myself, even if it's just momentary.
If it was easy, it wouldn't prove anything. C'mon, Lex. Get it together.
With the candles distributed, I find the High Priestess talking with temple visitors by the back pew.
When she's finished, she turns to me and gives a nod.
"I sent a messenger to Priestess Victorine. She will assist you with the arrangements. Speak to Priestess Neryl when you're ready to go." She lifts her hands and I hurry to mirror her. Together, in silence, we both press our palms together and dip into a slight bow.
"May the Goddess bless your purge," she says softly in closure.
"And may the Goddess bless you in turn," I reply.