Elise and the Nylon Night

"Alright, and we've got 12 of those, 8 more of those, and 2 of these pantyhose left. Not bad sales at all!" Elise said, scribbling on a clipboard. She was the last one in the local women's boutique, taking inventory before she left for the night. She sighed and sat the clipboard down, finally done and ready to head home. She brushed her tight white button up blouse and black tight mini skirt, and smiled. She looked down her legs at the mandatory pair of pantyhose all the girls were required to wear, and her 6 inch shiny black stilettos. "I sure look good in these, it's no wonder these pantyhose sell so well!" She said to herself, sighing again and standing back up, stretching as she did so.

Suddenly, her arms were pulled behind her back and a gloved hand appeared in front of her face, quickly clamping over her mouth. "Guess the place wasn't empty after all. But, lucky for us, the last person here also happens to be the prettiest one that works here! You ladies sure do love your pantyhose, we know you've got a boatload of cash from all those sales lying around here somewhere. Wanna help us out and tell us where?" The man holding her said. Elise squirmed but he was far too strong for her.

"I'm not in charge of the money, I don't know where it is! Just let me go!" She said as he took his hand away. He shook his head as a few more masked men appeared, and put his hand back over her mouth.

"Not happening, sweetheart. Guess we're gonna have to search the old fashioned way. But we didn't bring anything to tie you up, so I hope you don't mind if we use what's on hand." He said, gesturing to the shelves of nylons, pantyhose, stockings, and underwear. "And...let's be honest, you don't really need quite so much clothing on, do you?" He said, reaching around to unbutton her blouse. She moaned into his hand as the others grabbed items off the shelves, and she quickly found herself stripped down to her black lace underwear and the pantyhose. The men began wrapping nylons around her arms and legs, and they were soft, but the men were able to tie them tight like ropes. She watched as another man took out packs of underwear, wadding them up, and the huge wad was soon forced into her mouth.

"Hmmph..." She complained, as nylons were wrapped over her mouth tightly, sealing the wad in.

"Hey, those are fresh, don't whine." One of the men said, chuckling as she rolled her eyes. The men finished with her arms and legs, moving to her chest. Elise shook her arms, feeling her wrists and elbows bound tightly, and her ankles, knees, and thighs were tied just as tight, as well. After numerous "accidental" rubs of her chest, she had nylons above, below, and crisscrossing her chest. The men stood up, looking at her, while one turned to grab more items from the shelf. "You know, all this reminds me of some videos I saw on a bondage site recently. This hottie got totally encased in a bunch of nylons and pantyhose..." He looked from the pantyhose and back to her, then back to the pantyhose. Elise groaned inwardly, knowing what was about to happen.

She tried to hop, but being surrounded by several men simply meant she bounced straight into their waiting arms, and got her bra pulled down for her troubles. She felt a pair of pantyhose pulled up her arms, doubled up with the second leg. A man then happily groped her chest as they pulled a large pair of pantyhose up her legs, doubling it with the second leg yet again. More nylons were wrapped over her mouth, and some over her eyes, and she then felt them pull pantyhose over her head and down to her shoulders. They laid her on the floor, pulling more pantyhose up her legs and all the way to her chest, before more was pulled over her arms, this time going over her head and down below her chest. More nylons were wrapped over her mouth, eyes, wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and thighs.

"Now, just about finished, but that hopping got us all hot and bothered, you see. So, we want to see some more. So, you get to hop back and forth between us all so we can each have a turn with that amazing chest of yours! After that, well, sorry to say it but we'll be sticking you in a tight spot so you stay out of the way." Elise moaned as they pulled her to her feet, pushing her forward gently. She reluctantly hopped forward, until suddenly she was grabbed and spun around, pulled tightly against a man as he reached around her and began groping her chest greedily through the layers of nylon and hosiery. She moaned again and again as he played with her chest, squeezing, pinching, and rubbing to his heart's content. After a few minutes, she was made to hop to the next man and continue the cycle.

After about 10 minutes, the last man finished playing with her chest and lowered her to the ground again. She felt her legs pulled up, and the men took more nylons, hogtying her. More pantyhose were pulled over her head, and she felt her head pulled back as it was tied to the hogtie as well. More nylons were wrapped around her mouth, pulling her head back even tighter as they were connected to the nylons around her elbows. Finally, a second pair of pantyhose were pulled over her head and connected to her hogtie as well. Elise could hardly breathe through all the layers, and the men picked her up, and she moaned softly as they placed her on one of the shelves at head height. She felt them tie a nylon around the back of her neck and around a support of the shelf, holding her in place.

"Well, there you go gorgeous! Hopefully your coworkers come in early tomorrow!" One of the men said, and the group laughed as they left the room. Elise groaned softly, barely able to move an inch, and she knew she was in for a very long night...