Elise and the Museum's Mummy

"I know they only used bandages, but that was on a dead person! You, on the other hand, need some extra encouragement to stay put. And granted, this is an unorthodox way of mummifying, anyway." The man said, smoothing down what he had wrapped and stepping back. Elise was completely mummified, save the holes for her nose, and thanks to the man's planning, her bare chest as well, save for a thin wrap around the center of her chest, covering her nipples while leaving the rest of her chest above and below exposed.

Elise had been working late that night at the museum, when she had heard noises from the Ancient Egypt exhibition hall. She had arrived in the hall to find the main exhibit, the sarcophagus of a real life mummy, open and the mummy nowhere to be found. Then, she had been grabbed from behind. Her captor had made her strip completely naked, and then gotten to work.

He started with saran wrap, and plenty of it, winding it around her body from the bottoms of her feet, all the way up to the top of her head. Wrapping her legs together, he briefly stopped at her crotch, taking a large vibrating wand and pushing it between her legs, firmly against her pussy. He wrapped over it, trapping it in place, and then trapped her arms to her sides. Continuing upward, he avoided wrapping her chest save for the thin strip over her nipples. When he got to her mouth, she was helpless to refuse the large wad of cloth he had stuffed inside, sealing it under the saran wrap. After heavily reinforcing her mouth, he had continued up her head, making holes for her nose and having her close her eyes as he covered them, finally finishing at the top of her head.

She heard him pull tape loose, and soon found it winding around her body as well, covering everything he had just wrapped up, and she felt it all press even tighter over her body. She heard more tape rip, and he explained that he was now covering the duct tape with a layer of double sided clear packing tape. Then, when that was finished, he covered her in bandages much like a real mummy. He then picked her up carefully, placing her inside the sarcophagus, but not before holding her tightly and groping her for several minutes, activating the wand between her legs as he did so.

"Thank you for showing up instead of some guard. It's always more fun with a sexy lady, hence the special present I left between your legs! Enjoy your new home, you'll be in there until someone decides to check! Who knows when that will be? But, don't worry, you can have plenty of fun, I bet you can have some orgasms, hmm? Anyway, this mummy will fetch a good price on the black market, so I'm off. See ya!" The man said, pulling the lid shut on the sarcophagus and leaving as Elise moaned and squirmed, barely able to move.

Elise felt the toy between her legs ramp up, and knew he had set it to max power as he left. She moaned softly, unable to control herself as she orgasmed for the first time. She shook in place, feeling her pleasure wash over her. Soon, it was over, but the toy continued it's work, bringing her right over the edge shortly after. Elise groaned into her gag, hoping that the sarcophagus wasn't soundproof, and she knew she was in for a long weekend...