Chapter 12: How we move forward

Aemon's eyes illuminated, casting their shine upon Xerxes. A weird sensation had overcome the young boy; the blue trails of mana slithered towards him. It didn't feel like mana, it felt like something greater—something foreign to him.

Was this the power of people from The Fallen Kingdom? If so, what had happened in that war between man and beast years ago? Xerxes' body felt numb as if the grips of Aemon's power were controlling his body and mind; resistance felt futile.

He wanted to give in. He wanted Aemon to know everything about him. These weren't his usual thoughts though. It felt like someone had been implanting them into him, like a surgeon and scalpel at work.

The others around the table gazed at Xerxes as he succumbed to Aemon's power, while Aemon looked at everyone. "Well, if you want answers, then now is the time."

Conrad instantly narrowed his eyes at Xerxes, telling his father to ask him a question he felt was necessary to know. "What's your objective in The Fallen Kingdom?"

Xerxes hadn't even tried to speak, yet words came out. "I was on a mission with my party from The Crossed Seas guild. My friend Aya and I came here originally on a scouting mission, but it went wrong. Monsters weren't supposed to leave The Fallen Kingdom, yet one attacked me. Aya and I went into battle, but I thought I had died. The next thing I knew, I had awoken here. My objective is to get back home."

Aemon, angered by having to use his power, roared, "Didn't I tell you, son? I knew the boy meant well!"

Conrad gritted his teeth, unwilling to accept defeat yet. He wanted to make Xerxes blurt out something undeniable, proving he had an ulterior motive. But how could he do that when it felt like he was pursuing something that didn't exist?

Aliya sighed and decided not to let the opportunity pass. "Father Aemon, could you perhaps ask him what he wants from us?"

Aemon recited Aliya's words, and Xerxes looked around before he felt the surge of mana rush through him, like electricity shooting through his body, forcing him to speak. "I don't want you all to feel unsafe with me here. I don't want to be a burden to any of you. I hate being the reason you all worry, so I want to prove myself. But if you want me to be honest..." Xerxes mumbled.

"I don't know what I can do to stop being a burden. If it's training, I would do it. If it's doing any random tasks, I would do it. However, the most overarching thing is the fact I need to get strong. As Aemon says, I need to be at least half of his level to leave, and I want that from you."

Aemon then peered at everyone across the table, no one wanting to look directly into his eyes. He raised his voice. "I think this interrogation is over, isn't it? So, Conrad, this is over, and you'll stop frightening the child."

No one had anything to say in response as the hatched marks beneath Aemon's eyes slowly crumbled away, his eye colour gradually reverting to normal, the pressure alleviating from the surroundings. 

Xerxes, now out of the trance, gripped his hands around his neck and breathed in as much as he could, which was followed by a stream of coughs.

He had been unaware that this was possible—a power that could instantly make someone tell the truth. It didn't even feel like himself.

Was this different from mana? He was sure as hell betting on it, because he had never seen, heard, or even read about this in his life.

Aemon relaxed his expression. He wiped his mouth and saw a slight smear of blood on his hand. He didn't make it obvious to the others, though, and simply placed his hands by his side. "I'm sorry, Xerxes, for putting you through that. But since his trust has been proven, I don't believe there is any reason to ask you any more questions. Instead, you can ask us questions."

Xerxes pondered for a moment on what he should ask. Basic questions coursed through his mind, like where he would stay, where he could get food and any necessities he might require.

Instead, he decided to open up with more concerning questions. "Where and when will my training begin?"

Aemon answered instantly as if he had already prepared for it. "We will split your training into a few different sections, strengthening as much of you as we can.

For two days per week, your basic mana training will start, and on the third day, you will rest. On the fourth and fifth days, you will train with my son in the art of the sword, and on the sixth day, you will have another day of rest.

Finally, on the seventh day, we will have a review of your training, where you will spar with my granddaughter."

Xerxes looked at Leiya, slightly fearful of how strong she was. Surely, she wasn't far stronger than him, right? Leiya looked back at Xerxes, cracking her knuckles with a grin on her face. He would be lying if he said he didn't have a bit of fear of the girl.

He then peered at Conrad, whose expression was more relaxed, though it was obvious he still had suspicions. "I'm not sure if the kid is cut out for training. His sword style might be sloppy."

Xerxes normally didn't respond to remarks, but he couldn't let this one slide. After all, his teacher was Dorian. Dorian had helped him pick out a weapon, taught him to strike with his blade, to parry, and to learn as much as he could. "Don't say it's sloppy, Sir. Even though I may have been bested, it doesn't reflect the friend who taught me. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm speaking out of place, but you can disrespect me, but I won't allow disrespect for those who mean a lot to me."

Aliya looked at Conrad, whose face was filled with shock at Xerxes' reply. Tension rose between the two. Conrad sighed, then unexpectedly started clapping his hands together. The table was curious as to why he reacted in such a way.

"If there's something I can trust, it's your belief in your trainer. I'm glad you at least have grit for that. It's a sign of a respectable student who not only uses a sword style but respects and believes in it. So, you want to get strong with a sword, huh? It won't be easy, and I'll make you wish you were still fighting those beasts instead of training with me."

Aliya wiped the sweat from her forehead and exhaled happily. Though she knew the true training would be with Aemon.

Xerxes nervously asked, "So, Aemon, what will happen to me when I train with you?" Fearing the answer, Xerxes smiled nervously as everyone's expressions changed to fear—Leiya hiding, Conrad looking as scared as a child, and Aliya closing her eyes, smiling, knowing that Xerxes would likely need medical assistance after hearing Aemon's answer.

"There won't be any mercy. The way I train is through the methods of soldiers from the great war of succession. You've heard about that war, haven't you? The war that annihilated two of the seven major races, driving another two to near extinction. That is what I have in store for you."

He gulped, not knowing what his training would entail. Would one day of rest even be enough? He wondered.

Aemon disrupted his thinking, beckoning for him to ask more. Xerxes had another concern. Two, actually, but he decided to start with the first. "When I arrived here, I don't know what even enabled me to travel to this place. Was it the beasts that dragged me here? I'm still trying to figure that out."

Aemon had a minor theory that had been playing on his mind. He kept this theory to himself, not even telling his children or anyone in the city, but he knew he had to put Xerxes' mind at ease somehow - so he refrained from suggesting that.

He wasn't one to lie, but instead, he would skew the truth. "I think it was something related to a disruption in magic between your world and ours. It must have propelled your body into a point within The Fallen Kingdom by chance."

Xerxes had expected more, and he would be lying if he said otherwise. He had a hunch that it wasn't just coincidence, that it wasn't merely fate that had placed him here, but as of now, he had no means of questioning it further. So, he moved on to his next question.

"You've lived here all your life. I'm curious as to what is in the egg and why I feel so connected to it. I would ask why you have lived here all your life and what magic you used on me, but as you said, I'll earn those truths as I grow. So, my final question is: what is in the egg?"

Instead of Aemon answering, Aliya did. "Through my time researching the anatomy of humans, beasts, and everything beyond that, I have found that there are beasts I am sure humanity has never come into contact with—but we have.

Beasts have been roaming for as long as we have known, starting as 'hatchlings,' which are essentially transparent-like pods. Then you have 'mana beasts,' which share the same structure when entering this world. The only difference is that there is a slight tinge of mana emanating from them."

Xerxes raised an eyebrow. "Where are you getting at?"

Aliya cleared her throat. "I have a theory as to what could be in the egg. Based on what we know, it has a full shell encasing its body. This is usually an indicator that it is trying to contain its magic. Why, you may ask? Because the magic is so powerful that it could disrupt the surrounding atmosphere if left unchecked. So, the question we are all asking is: 'What could be in the egg?'"

The table listened closely, not wanting to miss a single word of what Aliya was saying.

"Xerxes, what I believe you were holding onto was an ancient beast called a Phoenix."