Doomsday III


The look on her face from her severed head was heartbreaking. The girl I had fallen in love with, the girl who had given me her heart dead trying to protect me.

"Wow, she's soft." Voriath stated. I could hear the malice in his voice from behind me.

"Now that the Jardel family is dead, Lord Xoraxys' lifelong revenge is complete." Xanereth added.

"Now, let's end this world." Lyriath said and snapped her fingers.

Giant portals opened at different places on the Planet, some on other planets, star systems and galaxies.

The entire human world was ridden with demons.

"Now that's impressive." Xanereth smiled. "I can sense demons in every timeline. How were you able to do that?"

"Doesn't matter. All that matters is that they all die."

I attacked with a right hook which Lyriath blocked with her left arm and then Voriath kicked me from behind.

Xanereth punched me into the ground forming a huge crater, destroying the entire palace.

I could hear the screams and agony of every citizen close by and from every planet.

This was all happening because of me. If I wasn't this weak, I would have been able to protect all of them.

Xanereth picked me up and threw me up into the sky. He threw me with such force that I left the planet's atmosphere.

I looked down and saw the entire planet covered in black.

"You see that?" Xanereth asked.

"Your entire world is overridden by demons, every planet, every star system, every galaxy and timeline has been overridden by us." Voriath laughed.

I was powerless in this situation, but I would not go down without a fight.

I channelled all my energy into my hands and pointed it at something far away. The demons laughed.

"Has he gone mad?" Lyriath said.

And then they saw it, a giant blue star twice the size of our star system heading towards them.

Voriath stepped in front of them and then started attacking me. I was able to weave and dodge his attacks as well as parry and attack as well.

"You're still weak." I said to him as I swung him around and threw him towards the incoming star.

Xanereth and Lyriath stood with both their hands folded. I wondered whether why they wouldn't help Voriath in any way, shape or form.

Then Lyriath pointed towards the star. It seemed like it was unstable, about to explode.

It exploded, a giant supernova. It's shockwaves were massive, destroying planets around and even causing our star to erupts and explode as well.

The planets destroyed and eradicated. The four of us looked at each other, floating in the midst of rubble.

"You see, you did this." Voriath stated.

"I-it wasn't me!" I shouted as my energy erupted. The three of them attacked at the same time.

Each one of them delivering punches capable of eliminating star systems.

I decided to go with an attack of my own, increasing the gravity on their bodies to that which exists across the universe

But they still kept on attacking unfazed by my attack.

I conjured a spell of fire. "These flames are as hot as a star's flames."

I attacked them with it and they weaved and dodged. Voriath appeared in front of me, moving at instantaneous speed.

He attacked with a massive uppercut which I blocked before kicking him back towards Lyriath and Xanereth.

I felt something strange. I felt ripples across the fabric of space as if it was being torn.

A portal opened behind Xanereth, Lyriath and Voriath. Two people walked out.

I was familiar with one of them but not familiar with the other.

"Draneeve!!!" I shouted at the top of my voice. "You did this! You killed them!"

Draneeve shrugged. His nonchalant attitude enraged me to my core, I attacked at speeds that would make light look as if it was stopped in time.

I threw a massive punch at him and it seemed like different barriers were being broken but my attack never reached him.

"What's going on?" I asked, shocked that my punch stopped short of him.

"It's just dimensions." Draneeve started. "I put an infinite amount of dimensions between me and your attack. It's always there though and the dimensions always respawn after a few seconds."

I continued punching, with all my power. Each dimension breaking and shattering, but the demons and the new guy didn't say anything nor did they attack.

"Concept Destroying Magic." Draneeve's hands formed into a shape like a gun's and he sent a beam towards me but I was able to dodge.

The entire space in front of that attack was conceptually and completely erased. The space separating each timeline was erased and the destruction from the others seemed to pour into this one.

"Draneeve. That's enough." The stranger spoke up. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Blackwood."

I attacked him but wasn't able to touch him as well. And then his eyes turned red as I looked straight into them.

I saw numerous horrors. Reliving the deaths of the Jardel family and my mother as well as the destruction of the planet multiple times over.

The horrors were never ending. I saw my mother's head at my feet an infinite amount of times and saw Aethera's smile multiple times as well.

It was making me go mad. At that point i lost most of my emotions, with one thing on my mind and that was revenge.

The traumatizing images stopped playing inside my head and I stared at the stranger.

"Surprising." He smiled with his eyes widened in delight. "Although it's a shame I have to erase you now."

"What… is… your… name?" I asked, tired, exhausted and broken mentally.

"Samiel. Lord Of The 7th Hell." He replied.

"I promise you, I will find you and I will make sure that I erase you from every point in time and even from Hell." I said to him, my voice dripping with anger.

He laughed and then snapped his fingers. My body began to fade away. I knew this sort of death was different, I knew I wouldn't come back and these were my final moments.

"Call off all the other demons." Draneeve ordered.

Xanereth, Lyriath and Voriath left through a portal and the other demons across other timelines as well from what I could sense at that moment.

Samiel looked at my fading body as Draneeve walked through a portal.

"This is it for you and this fragment, my job here is done." He smiled and then snapped his fingers.

The entire universe was getting erased, every single thing including all timelines.

Tears filled my eyes. I was powerless, I wasn't able to protect anyone and here I was getting erased alongside the universe.

"This is it."