Those two thought who in the world would hate horror movies shown in their faces. They were aware some didn't like it but to the extent of hate was too overwhelming. They turned to look each other communicating with their eyes whether they should still go ahead and watch the movie. Jae Won who had been looking at them broke the ice "I can still watch the movie though" he said while he entered the cinema nodding to the receptionist.
Those two had no choice but to follow their master I must say. Vincent went to the snack bar at the cinema and took three popcorn and two soft drinks for himself and Jae Won since Charles doesn't take soft drinks. Charles who noticed the tension decided to scare them to loosen the tension. He kept touching both his pocket looking as if he is searching for something he had lost.
"What are you looking for" asked by Jae Won who had already guessed the movie might not happen again. He looked worried but was dying inside of happiness.
"I think I've misplaced the movie tickets" he replied while searching for the ticket seriously with a serious face but couldn't help himself but stared at those two. One m was happy while the other looked like the world just collapsed right in front of him.
He burst out laughing uncontrollably seeing those two with different expressions. "Wow, you two are more interesting to watch than the movie" he said taking out the tickets from his back pocket "you guys should see your face" he continued while went ahead to the person standing guard at the cinema room. He gave the ticket to him and pointed at those standing there as if they had lost control of their being itself "they are with me" he said while he turned to those frozen ice "aren't you two coming" that is when he got a reaction of Vincent and Jae Won.
They entered the cinema room and putting Jae Won into consideration they both decided to sit at the last row of the cinema room. They were still as surprised as to why a person would hate a horror movies instead of fear of dislikes it. But they put the thought away when the movie started.
Vincent and Charles both turned to look at Jae Won at the same time as if they both thought about it. With Charles seated at the right side of Vincent while Jae Won at the left of Vincent. They watched the movie with a serious look that can stare the monsters in the movie away.
During a particular scene, Vincent noticed Jae Won wasn't eating his popcorn and turned to look at him only to be met with a closed eyes and frowned face. He went ahead and took Jae Won's hand in his, his fingers intertwining with Jae Won as he massaged Jae Won palm. The gentle stroke of Vincent's fingers on Jae Won's hand seemed to speak directly into his heart, comforting him with a warmth, care and concern Jae Won felt at that moment.
Vincent kept holding Jae Won's hand throughout the movie turning to look at him once a while with a look of I'm here for you written on his face. On the other, Charles was so engrossed in the movie he didn't see those two incoming lovers paving way for themselves "watch out" Charles said jolting Vincent and Jae Won to let go of each other's hand and making those around turned to take a look at this person who seems to be in their room alone. But in other hand, Charles didn't care where he was.
Charles kept talking out loud to the characters as if he wants to prevent them from their death but to no avail since his warning and shout fell on dead ears. Jae Won on the other hand kept smiling through the movie as though he was watching a romantic movie.
Vincent and Jae Won came out of the cinema leaving Charles there who was busily talking about the movie with a girl he met a few minutes ago when they bumped into each other when they were coming out. Those two had to wait for Charles who seems talkative when he needed to be.
After a few minutes of waiting, Vincent had to go and call for him. Charles said his goodbyes to the beautiful woman who was grinning from ear to ear and blushed cheeks. "You've managed to get yourself a girlfriend" Vincent said but it seems Charles did not like the idea but he smiled forcefully to make Vincent happy.
"Let's go to the Makola market" Vincent said but was gazed with a look of what's wrong with you. "But we went there in the morning" Jae Won replied while waiting for a confirmation look from Charles who also seemed occupied with his phone. "That was in the morning, and it's like seven pm in the evening now. Trust me and let's go, you are gonna love it" Vincent said looking at Jae Won trying to convince him. "Okay" he replied with an I'm not sure what to expect look drawn on his face.
They all drove to the market meanwhile Vincent kept talking about the market in the car. As soon as Jae Won came out of the car, he couldn't believe his eyes. The market they came just this morning was looking as if it was a stage performance.
Makola nighttime ambiance, its vibrant atmosphere, bright lights, sounds and smells can be uplifting or inspiring and it's wide range of goods made Jae Won mouth drop open wide without realizing. "What a wow" he blurted out with no filter.
They heard sounds coming from a direction and they all run towards the sounds. They got there and saw three or four older men performing. The audience couldn't help but danced and in no time, Vincent and Charles were dancing and singing. Jae Won couldn't help but stare at those two with smiles piercing them left and right. After a few minutes, Jae Won joined them even though he didn't understand the song but those two made it easy for him.
He danced his heart out, smiling widely with his eyes almost coming down with tears. He realized and hold back his tears. "I haven't been this happy in a long time" he thought but this time his tears beat him to it, running down his cheeks.
Vincent who saw him came to him wiping off his tears "you will be fine" he said while he hugged Jae Won for a while. He drag Jae Won and Charles to go try the street food that was in line. Both Vincent and Charles made Jae Won tried a lot of street food so he can choose from what liked the most.
He tried the roasted sausage with powdered pepper and sliced onions, Banku and Tilapia, khebab, indomie (a name of a noodle but mixed with vegetables, eggs, powdered pepper, meat and sausages) and so many more. Jae Won looking like a child asking for a candy "what about that egg we tried in the morning" he asked with his head bend down. This reaction got both Vincent and Charles laughing hysterically. He wondered what was so funny and decided to give up.
"There's a saying that goes with the egg, buy one and move one" Charles said confusing Jae Won more. "Why is that" he asked. "Because if you don't move away from egg vendor, you might buy all the eggs at that moment" Vincent replied. This made him remember how they were on their fourth egg when he was struggling with his. "Oh I see" he said now wanting to try more. They went to one of the egg sellers to buy but the time they realized, they were on their sixth while Jae Won was on his third. They paid in a hurry to get out of there before they ate all.
They roamed the market for a while feeling the vibe and atmosphere as if there was a festival. "Do you wanna watch the whole city" Charles asked both of them with please agree look. "Yes" they responded in unison. "Then let's go to the Jamestown Lighthouse" he said already running to his car.
Vincent and Jae run after him with laughter. They drove for about thirty minutes to the lighthouse. They climbed to the top of the lighthouse for breathtaking views of Accra coastline and the surrounding cityscape.
"How tall is this lighthouse" Jae won asked looking at where they were standing. "It's 28 - meter(92 feet) tall with a square base and a tapered shaft" Charles replied with smile on his face like a schoolboy who is being asked of their favorite cartoon. They took pictures and Snapchat with smiles emanating from them and the people around. These three were so happy as if they were the only people on this earth at that moment.
"it's getting late and I need to be at work tomorrow too" Charles said looking at his watch. They nodded and climbed down to the lighthouse. Charles said his goodbyes while he went ahead and drove off leaving those two behind. They also sat in the car, Vincent looking nervous all of a sudden.
"Why, what's wrong" Jae Won asked looking at Vincent with concern and worried in his eyes. "Uuurm uuurm I bought something for you" he said while he took out the wrist bead he bought with Jae Won name. He showed it to Jae Won looking as if he might reject it "I hope you like it" he said "I thought of you when I saw it" he continued with his cute puppy eyes looking at Jae Won and a nervous smile at corner of his lips.
Jae Won smiled widely taking the wrist beads from Vincent palm "I love it" he said trying to put it on.
"EVERYTHING YOU BUY FOR ME, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE IT" he continued but couldn't put the beads on.