The Next Morning

The villagers found 30 dead soldiers and thirteen injured people of Eastender groaning in pain on the ground as the climate changes from it's dark form to it's light form.

" Many husbands and friends died as a hero last night, their braveness will never be forgotten. " the king said as they were about to review who the devil is to all the villagers in Eastender".

They chose not to reveal who he was at that time he was captured because the darkness was still roaming the atmosphere.

You can't separate the darkness from the dark without the presence of light. That's what made the king not to reveal him to the whole village by night but by day.

The soldiers dragged him and tied him down to a long hard wooden stick was buried firm to the ground. The wooden stick was buried down in the palace because of a day like this .

The stick is used to tie up serial killers and the law breaker down to be judged of their crime.

Everyone in the town gathered to see who the killer and the diabolical soul is. As the soldiers opened up his mask , they then poured water on his face because his face was filled with blood already. As they rinse off the blood on his face off , they then found out that the prince (Philip) is the "d" at the front of evil .

The villagers couldn't recognize him as the prince because it's been long since the prince had stepped into the village. Some of the chiefs and elders who knows who Philip is began to spread every hidden and vivid information about him to the people. As the king saw Philip , he was so disappointed with his childish and greedy behavior .

The king anger at that moment made him not to control his temper to the extent that he slapped his cousin who he takes into his heart and homes as a brother.

 Philip was not only exposed as the devil but also embarrassed to the crowd by pulling off his clothes in the presence of the crowd.

This is how every offender who caused huge trouble in the Eastender are being treated. The king then walked out of him after pouring out all his plans for him. He said to Philip

"Brother,why did you persecute me and my people ?, Is it because of this throne?."

 ". I was planning on making you the next king until Bryan becomes more mature at least at the age of twenty one ;but instead,you used your hand to destroy the glory waiting for you in future just because of wealth and pleasure.... Now, you have lost everything. I remembered when dad said to us before he died." He said

"Do not forget this statement I'm about to tell you my son . Never destroy your dreams because of your desires and pleasure thinking you're pursuing your dream, or else, you will end up being a dreamer without a goal and future ".

"No matter how you cover a smoke , it will surely be exposed to the air. Do you think killing the witness would make today not to come to pass?."

That's all I have to say brother , I Will leave the rest to the law of our fathers.

As the king wanted to walk out of him ,he the said

"please, forgive me"

He then replied

"I don't need your apology, tell it to the people and our father who hath in heaven".

The whole villagers and everyone who survived the attack then began to stone him without resisting until he finally gave up his ghost and died.

The king felt so sad for his brother's wrong but there's nothing he can do to save him from his punishment and death. He then ordered the soldiers to proceed with the law.

The law states that "Every criminal who caused destruction and troubles will not be buried but they will be cremated, meaning they will be burnt to ashes.

(This was how the Eastender gain their full freedom from the hands of the devil.).

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