One Month Later

Finally, prince Bryan had been saved from the hands of death after sleeping for a month . His condition was so severe but thanks to the doctor who interfered into the sorrowful scene. The moment the king got to the doctor's house to see whether the prince had regained his consciousness, he saw the prince eating his favorite meal which is ( Jollof rice).

The joy that filled the king's heart was ten times more than the joy that those who ends up in heaven.

He shouted out loud with joy and happiness to the extent that the guardian angel in heaven ran down to the basement to check if the trumpet that will sound in the end time has not been stolen.

As the whole villagers heard the sound of joy that was generated from the king's diaphragm. They gathered round the doctor's house to celebrate along with the king.

That was how the Eastender began to live a peaceful life.


 Readers ,I'm so grateful for reading.

 Watch out for my next story.