Day 101.
Yesterday I felt as if I was about to boil to death. Is that what fantasy books say about unlocking a mana core? Well then I uh woke up today to find that I can now walk like a human being on my back legs, wtf. Oh well and those sounds, those eerie sounds I keep hearing. They're gone now and I can communicate with the creatures. There is this weird creature that follows me.
Tiny with wings, but the body of a human, young girl to be exact.
Day 102. The tiny creature. I believe it's a pixie or fairy. It said it's name was Eliza and it wanted to introduce itself to its friends. Friends? Other weird creatures of the forest.
Day 105. QUE GRANDE!! I've managed to acquire accommodation in this uncanny realm. It is the bottom of a tree, seemingly a pretty tall tree, by saying the bottom of a tree I mean the bottom part of a tree with a hollowed out inside. It took its time pero(but), it's perfect for this body of a frog.
The so called uh fairy by the name of E-Eliza i think. Keeps on pestering me wanting to introduce its companions, nevertheless i do not have energy for that. My object still resides, find a way out of this damn forest and speak to a fellow human of the matter i'm in. I mustn't forget my humanity. R-ribbit.