3. scary night in pouring rain

"No! I don't want to hear another noise, not even a peep from your mouth!" 

"But, But. . . . Mr. Reyes.! The director was unable to find you a role..! "

"¡No me digas!"

"I am your fucking boss, I tell you to find me a roll and you go and find one. " 

"Great, now the rain is pouring down.."

"Well what are you waiting for then?" 

"Call my driver, I am most definitely not walking in the rain to the car!"

"Lisa Park I, I fucking hired you so I have the power to fire your ass. "

"OH R-R-Right a-away, sir!" *the phone fumbled around in her hands*

"Oh for God's sake, pendejo. Just give me the phone." *Reyes holds his hand out*



"Jack!? Why are you stopping the car?"

"Sir. It's red, the stoplights are red."

"Well I do not fucking care, just drive. I need to get home. "

"And you miss Park, give me the ipad I need to see tomorrow's schedule. "

*Reyes read the schedule*

Suddenly a fierce light coming from the left window blinded him.

Through the window he saw a car exceeding the speed limit, heading straight for the car he was inside of.

In that car, a drunk person was at the wheel. It seemed as if that driver had lost consciousness a long time ago.

Seeing the car headed for him, he panicked, the car was swaying to the right, to the left. His pulse was skyrocketing out the roof. *he was on the brink of death he thought*

"D-DRIVE!": he screamed, dropping the tablet on the car floor.