11. Whats wrong with the golden hero?



"Shut it, Nathalis. " : He mumbles.

"I can't hear you boy!"


The vibrations from the steel swords gave life to the air.

*insert exaggerated noises when the swords break through the air*





"YOU'RE LOSING FOCUS!" : she screams.

"SHUT UP I KNO-W!" : He says.

The sword in Nathalis hands hits him in the stomach.

*he bangs into the walls with a powerful force*


*Elliot throws up his breakfast*



Elliot was dripping with sweat and his whole body felt weighted down by a million stones. On The ground before him was a sea of sweat ( /joking).

His body was exhausted and he was breathing heavily.

Nathalis threw her sword on the ground, grabbed a water bottle and a towel.

She threw the bottle in his hands and the towel on his head.

"Wake up. You gotta focus during training."

"Lately your mind has been somewhere else."

"Where are you Elliot?! "

"Please come back. "

"Just stop it. "

"Stop talking, Nath." : he says.

"Stop talking about it?! "

"I am on the ground! And where are you?! "

"In the forbidden forest?! In the sea on a ship sailing to nowhere?! "

*she takes a deep breath*

"Where are you?! Where have your mind been these past days?! "

"Is it on the island of Avengale?! Communicating with Non Existent Gods?!" : she yells.

"I don't see what the problem is!?"

"I am on the ground! " : he says back.

"Come back to reality Elliot, you're not here with me."

"I see your eyes looking somewhere else!" : she says.

"Yea no i'm done training with you. Ask me to train when you're back in reality Elliot. "

"Na-th wait-" : he says but gets interrupted by her slamming the door to the room.

Nathalis leaves the room with pain in her chest, leaving Elliot alone in the gym.