12. You bonkers frog!

"Wait. Hold up. "

"Gimme a sec to recap, porfavor!"

"So you. "

*Reyes pointed at the elf*

"You are 1963 years old?!"

"¡Que Mierda!"

"Indeed I am. 1963 years in the flesh. " : Uda Yami answers.


"If everyone is up to speed we better get moving! " : Eliza says.

"We've only got 1 week left until the Season Festival."

"To the middle of Éthérée forest!!" : she yells out with her annoying high pitched voice.


The journey to the forest city was long. The group of adventuring magical creatures was multiple miles Northwest, near the elfen territory. It was going to take days of traveling to reach the center.

Trees over there.

Trees over here.

Trees everywhere.


"Get up on my back, frog dude. " : orchid says suddenly.

"No, no gracias. "

"No need, I can walk. " : he says.

"Soo no freaking idea what that gRaCuiAse word is."

"But I do know you won't survive walking the whole way. " : orchid says.

"Jump up before I throw you up. "

"No need, horsie no need. " : he says back.

"1 i'm no horsie. 2 it is an order. " : Orchid says and grabs Reyes with her huge snout and throws him up on her back.

"I am a unicorn. "

At the same time:

Bluebeard was walking beside Orchid and Yami was walking beside Bluebeard.

*They both looked at eachother*

"That frog got some kind of screw loose in his head, aight. " : Bluebeard says and scratches his pink beard.

"Indeed it does. That thing is mad and in need of a fix. " : Yami says back.


*Reyes looks at Orchids head, between her ears he sees Eliza sitting.*

"HiYA! There, Reyrey!" : she says with a squeaky voice.


"Everyone together on a trip! "

"Yaya! " : she says.

"You bonkers frog! You gotta fix that foolish personality! " : she says and smiles.

*she flies forward and flicks Salvador on his head then flies back to the place she was sitting at.* Though now she is sitting forward with her back against him.

For the rest of the day he rethinks his choices he has made to get all this way.