In the underground city where humanity clings to survival, Martina lives as a humble trader, moving between sections of the city to make ends meet. Though she dreams of something beyond the damp earth walls, she has long accepted the reality of life beneath the surface.
But everything changes when, during a routine journey, she comes face to face with one of the monsters humanity fears the most—a mutant. The encounter is fatal. She dies.
And then, she wakes up.
What should have been the end becomes an unexplainable miracle. But instead of celebrating her survival, the government brands her a threat, believing she has become one of the creatures they seek to eradicate. Hunted and imprisoned, she faces a grim fate—until they fail to prove she is a mutant. Left with no other explanation, the rumors began.
The chosen one. A figure of prophecy. The only hope to save humanity.
Forced into a war she never asked for, Martina must uncover the truth behind her revival and what it truly means to be a hero. But as she learns more about the world she thought she understood, she begins to question whether humanity’s greatest enemy is the monsters above… or the people below.
Supposedly the mc should be a male but since I've only seen few dark fantasy stories with a female lead, I'm giving this one to a woman. Trust me with this one tho.