"Lucian," I call out. "I think your mysterious root is dying."
At least I think it is.
I bend closer to the limp and sad-looking root. I reach out to poke it, but just before my fingers make contact, I stop, not knowing if I'm about to kill it the rest of the way if I do. It looks frail enough.
"It's not dying," a male voice says from the side of the house. "It's a tomato, and that's how they grow. Give it a couple of weeks and it'll look healthy."
My eyes connect with Orion, who is standing a few feet away in his stained blue mechanic's overalls.
It's been three days since Lucian and Kieran fought in the clearing behind the house. This is the first time I'm seeing Orion, the first time I'm seeing any of the Winter Lake Pack. All I've been doing is eating too much, failing at gardening with Lucian, and making love with him too.