He's My Home

I sigh. "I'm thinking about the Frosts. Kieran's father mostly."

Lucian grins at me. "While I'm kissing you? Oh boy, I must be doing something wrong."

Because his smile is so infectious, I can't stop my lips from curving, even as I shake my head. "Not like that. Just worried I guess that my father was right, that he's going to be trouble."

"He won't be."

I wait for him to say more, but he doesn't. "And you know this how…?" The smile leaves his eyes, and he gazes down at me with alpha intensity.

"Because I warned him if he or his son ever came anywhere near here—anywhere near you—again, I would make sure there wasn't a Frost alive by the end of the week."

My mouth falls open. "You… uh, you… threatened him?"


Panic wars with pride. "Uh, and how did he take it?"

"As expected," Lucian says as he smooths back hair from my face. "But once I told him who I was, his tone changed."