(Two Months in...)
I'm lightly fingering the bite on my neck when a pair of hands grips my hips from behind, startling me.
"You made me jump," I say, leaning my head back against
Lucian's shoulder.
"Sorry, love." He presses a kiss on the top of my head as his hands slide over my gently curving belly. "I didn't mean to bite you so hard."
I turn to grin at him. "I think that's the point."
He grins back. "I can kiss it better later if you want?"
Seeing the heat in his eyes, my mouth goes dry. "Just the bite? Or anywhere else?"
Lucian leans closer. "Do you have anywhere else in mind?"
Just before he kisses me, a sudden burst of laughter has me jerking my head around to take in the rest of the pack spread out in the clearing. Everyone is laughing, clutching glasses of champagne to celebrate mine and Lucian's mating.