I let out a heavy sigh. "I'm a danger to everyone around me."
"Child, you didn't mean to do that. We all know it was an
I want to tell her no, not everyone does. Not everyone will think I can't control my gift, and that my hurting Zia was nothing more than jealousy on my part.
Why did it have to be her I hit and not my father, who was the one who actually deserved it?
"What do you know about your mother?" Minerva asks.
I tear my gaze from the vegetables growing in the backyard to blink at her. "My mother?"
Looking as serene as always, this time in a coral floral dress that I've never seen her wearing before, she nods. "Your gift is—"
"Really a dangerous curse?"
Her lips curve in a smile, even as she shakes her head. "Don't be silly, child. No. What you lack is control, and any gift can be dangerous without control."