Chapter 40: The food is…

The zombie in question was the scholar woman Solas had shown interest in. The lady had no idea why she was in a rune, but I could guess that she did not care.

Solas had given her all the comforts one could give someone. Not only that, but the lady looked to be finely dressed.

Solas activated the time rune. Time began to pass faster for her. I watched as nothing happened in the first five minutes. Which meant that nothing was going to happen for the first fifty days.

Then, her skin turned into stone. She looked at her new limbs in amazement.

"Hey, what is happening? Am I getting an upgrade?" I had no idea why she turned into stone and not wood. Did that mean there was something wrong with my tree? Why couldn't I produce life?

My Boliarin son, I really had to give them names, tugged at my curls so, as if he could read thoughts.

I blinked, the boy began to chew on the curl, his eyes narrowed.