Chapter 53: That Darn Liar!

Mordred came as soon as I called him, bless his Boliarin heart. Morty refused to come.

Apparently, he was still angry about the fact that I saddled him with about as many children as one could shake a stick at.

Most of them Boliarins.

I didn't hold it against him. If Methuselah had placed nymphs inside of the shrubs I dragged to him, I would have been angry as well.

But that was beside the point. I had bigger problems.

"I can't believe you can't even chop a carrot without cutting yourself," sure, we were at war, and I didn't have much time to raise my sons, but Mordred should still be able to do something so basic.

"Well, did you ever show me how?" he was still wrapping his finger in black silk.

I wanted to tell him that he just needed to eat some stew, and his wound would go away, but he seemed to use it to impress the villagers.

The pretty men, in particular.

I approved. Better humans than Lich, vampires, or zombies.