Chapter 54: Winning Adoration

I was still wiping away the tasty remains of Mordred's experiment. Pan called, took off with Edda, and Mordred got angry I didn't pay him attention.

Well… I might have snapped at him, but that's beside the point.

Now that Edda is shared between us, I could use Pan's efforts to further my own means. The thing is…

He wanted to melt down some dragon hoard gold, get rid of the signature, and sell it. I honestly didn't understand what that was about, but I left him to it.

I'll miss the boy, but I did my best by him. Pan will just have to face Solas alone… and spend time in debtor's jail.

May God help him there.

But right now, I had worse problems. One of them being the fact that my son didn't want anything to do with me!

And wanted to dump me in a mental hospital!

Mordred had to be stopped.

I made him a grilled cheese sandwich. He ate it, asked for a second one, then got a fondue out of thin air, and he was now eating that.