Chapter 55: Honey… want a muffin?

The thing about muffins is that there are about as many varieties as there are stars in the night sky.

But Nate was cutting my supplies more and more with each passing day. So, I had only a limited variety of ingredients to work with.

No bananas, darn him, but yogurt was still something he sent to me. Nice cake flour, for which I was grateful. And then there was the fact that there was vanilla extract and raisins.

But I had Mordred! Whom I sent to buy a single bar of chocolate. He agreed, of course… after I told him he'll get the first batch all to himself.

Honestly, that kid was going to end up fat.

"Ok, Mordred, now we place the yogurt with the baking soda in a bowl," children liked to guilt-trip their parents that said parents hadn't shown them anything. Mordred had made that mistake already.

I knew he was about one more instruction away from running and starting a war. His eyes were almost closed.