
The monster's skin was tough, so it was going to be hard for Azrael to get through it. If he wanted to cut it, then he first needed to get up high enough to reach its neck or bring it down to his level so he could cut through – Wait…

Azrael dodged another lunge from the beast as it honed in on his location a second time! The daemon screeched again as it swiped its hand through the air and tried to tear Azrael to pieces, but Azrael activated one of his Artificial God Aspects.

[Water Shield] has been activated!

A ball of water that was two meters by two meters across its axis formed around Azrael! The monster's claw slammed into the wall of water and just like Azrael expected, it tore through the shield like it didn't even exist and continued on its way toward Azrael, but the water had slowed its momentum enough to give Azrael enough space to plant his feet properly and Azrael spun his body from his hip up to his shoulder and sent a cut towards the incoming hand!



The monster screeched loudly as it felt the sword tear through its arm and Azrael watched the decapitated arm dance around on the ground like the tail of a lizard. Azrael felt a mad laugh echoing through the road and he was surprised to notice that it was coming from him!

Azrael had still been thinking using his former mentality of not having any power! Right now, what Azrael was using was no ordinary sword! It was something given to him by Thanatos himself! There was no way it would be stopped by the skin of a fucking lesser daemon!


The monster roared as its arm began to regenerate immediately! It charged for Azrael and Azrael put his hand out towards the monster's path and activated another God aspect!

[Atomic Freeze] has been activated!

The ground in front of the monster filled with water from Azrael's God Aspect and it immediately froze over and erased all of the friction on the ground! The daemon's hands slammed down on the iced ground and it felt its legs slip forward a little due to the lack of friction! This forced the monster to slide forward into a fall and Azrael spun around and tightened all of his muscles!

He planted his feet and sent power up from his legs to his hip and finally into his arms! Azrael grit his teeth and sent a perfect slash straight through the neck of the stumbling daemon!


A perfect black line flashed across the air as the monster fell through Azrael's sword. The cut was so easy that Azrael hardly felt any resistance at all. It was like he was cutting through butter with a laser!


The daemon's head fell to the side and Azrael watched as the system brought up various tabs.

[Quest complete]

+6 Strength

+4 Agility

Mortal Rank: D Rank [80/105]


Strength: 30

Stamina: 26

Agility: 24

Durability: 18

The user has gained [30] units of Divine Essence

Divine Core Rank: F Rank

Divine Core DE Capacity: 90/150 DE

Azrael took in a deep breath and sighed as he looked down at the dead daemon. That was the first time he was killing a real daemon that wasn't formed from a simulation and he couldn't help but be proud of himself. What he did proved that his training hadn't been in vain. All the nights spent in the simulation weren't wasted! He was actually getting stronger.


A muffled sound suddenly began echoing from the laundry truck as the man Azrael had stolen from woke up, Azrael quickly went and grabbed his things when he noticed lights coming from the distance. There was no way the demigods wouldn't be here soon!

Azrael quickly ran off the main road and into the dense foliage at the side before he began running back toward the dorms. It wasn't going to be hard for him to sneak back into the dorms since he had multiple ways to get in without being seen, so as far as Azrael was concerned, he had accomplished his mission for today.

As Azrael ran soundlessly through the road, he saw more than ten cars heading towards where the daemon had just appeared. Amongst them, Azrael could pick out two popular demigods through the car window. One of them was a woman named Michelle who was blessed by Athena and another one was a man named Richard with a blessing from Dionysus that gave him the ability to improve his base battle stats when he was under the influence of alcohol.

The two superhumans were focused on the road where they were going and they didn't even notice Azrael as he passed them in a blur.

Azrael was extremely fast while running. His record on the track before he got his God Aspect was a hundred meters in five seconds, and with the recent improvements in his system, he was even faster than that!

In less than thirty minutes, Azrael could already see the dorm in the distance. Thankfully, the window that led to his dorm room was still unlit, so Azrael tied the clothes he stole to his waist and went around the house to the back. He scaled the wall, went in through the window, and finally calmed down.

The next morning, Azrael watched the news talking about the Breakout on his phone after he had prepared for school. After the two Divine Enforcers got to the scene, they only found the dead body of the daemon and the laundry truck waiting for them.

There have been multiple theories about what happened to the monster. Some people thought it was an unknown demigod that had attacked the monster before the Divine Enforcers could even make it there and stopped it, while others were saying that an even stronger monster had cut the monster to pieces and that one was still on the loose!

The show was an interactive one and the guest was talking about them increasing the security in the area and hunting down whatever it was that broke through the veil!

Azrael watched the show for about thirty minutes before he turned it off when he didn't hear anything about the theft from yesterday. Even though the laundry man was found close to the area where the veil appeared, they didn't really bother to broadcast what happened to him because it was practically unimportant when put side by side with the appearance from the veil!

At this rate, Azrael was sure that it was going to just fade into the background and be forgotten before long!

"Morning, boss."

Azrael gave a nod to one of the boys that greeted him while passing and he stood and went out of the room to get breakfast. Today was the first day of daemon studies in school and they were going to be handled by Mr. Scar. Azrael didn't really have much of an opinion about Mr. Scar. The man was a very interesting person, especially after the things he said and did on the first day of class. But other than that, Azrael didn't even care about him.

Mr. Scar had obviously been in the Divine Enforcers at one point. According to what he heard from some of his gossiping classmates, Mr. Scar had only been a teacher for two years. That meant he had been in the Divine Enforcers for all the time before then and he was now retired.

Azrael didn't care why he retired. 

But Azrael cared that he was once in the Divine Enforcers.