Null Zone

The fact that Scar was once a member of the Divine Enforcers was enough to show that Scar was not someone who just talked without substance. Scar had fought against daemons before, and there was also a chance that he had even gone through the veil into the Null Zone!

Scar knew what he was talking about, and everything that Scar was going to be teaching them over the next few months in this first year was going to be invaluable if they were planning to pass through the veil in the future!

Azrael was not going to overlook anything that he could get from his teacher, even though the man's personality was rather twisted! Azrael chuckled as he remembered seeing Scar drinking in the morning a few days ago, and he just decided that he would have to first hear what Scar had to offer before he could trust him.

Azrael walked out into the common room greeted the Matron when she came around and pinched him on the cheek as always, and then she complained about how the laundry man was attacked by some despicable armed robbers yesterday, and Azrael just showed a surprised expression on his face.

"That's horrible. Why would anyone do something like that?"

The Matron nodded with a sigh.

"Yes, people these days are so unreasonable. Why would they steal from such a nice man? I hope they catch whoever did it. They shouldn't be out there on the streets causing problems for nice people."

The Matron was walking away as she said this, and Azrael sat down to eat while thinking of his plans for the weekend.

Today was Thursday, so he had two days until Saturday when the Family Care group would be going to the hotel. Azrael had to make sure that he told the Matron he wouldn't be around on Saturday so he had a reasonable alibi for his disappearance. Or better still, he should tell her that he was going to be with a friend all day. That way, if they asked him where he was, then he would use Maddison as a cover-up.

The hotel was large and it was going to be impossible to search every single room, so he had to go to the front desk and find out what room Romanov was staying in. Hopefully, she wouldn't be out by the time the Family Care group came around.

Azrael finished off his breakfast quickly and started to head out for school. He took the train as usual and then started to walk through the school gate after getting off.


A voice called from behind Azrael, and Azrael turned around to see Maddison walking up to him quickly. Azrael narrowed his eyes in suspicion once he saw her, and he immediately knew that she hadn't just arrived.

Had she been waiting for him all this time?

Maddison came up to him with a small smile and greeted him. Azrael just gave her a nod in response before he started to walk again. Maddison then struggled to keep up with him while talking.

"Hey, that was you yesterday, right? The daemon that appeared from the breakout."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Azrael's nonchalant answer surprised Maddison once more. Maddison had been sure that Azrael was the one that killed the monster. The news this morning spoke about the monster being killed by a longsword, and as far as Maddison knew, Azrael used a katana to fight.

But what really solidified the theory for Maddison was the truck that she saw in the news post. The Family Care truck from the news post stood out to her, and she remembered seeing it in the picture that she had shown to Azrael yesterday about the Prince Oak Hotel. It was obvious that Azrael was planning something, but he just didn't want to involve her in it for some reason.

For a moment, Maddison entertained the thought that Azrael just didn't want to see her in danger, and Maddison would have felt touched if she didn't know the sort of person Azrael was. He was too heartless to even care about something like that.

Azrael probably just thinks she would get in his way.

Maddison sighed internally as she thought this. If Azrael was going into a dangerous fight, he wouldn't want to take someone that he had never seen fight before. It would be stupid since you wouldn't be sure what level the person was at, and the person could end up dragging you down if they weren't up to par.

Maddison spoke up as she and Azrael climbed into the shuttle that would take them to the academic building.

"Hey, Azrael, do you want to train together later?"

Azrael turned to look at Maddison with a raised brow.


"Hello, future killers, and welcome to Daemon Studies 101. I am your professor, Scar, and today we're going to be talking about something that everyone in this room should already have an idea of. The Null Zone."

In the large classroom, all the students were seated and listening attentively as Scar spoke to them. Scar was sitting on top of the desk in front of the classroom, and as he spoke, he was using a book to gesticulate calmly around him.

Behind Scar, a large holographic image was slowly rotating in the air, showing the symbol of Divine Academy, a large circle made from two intertwining ears of golden wheat with a golden D in the center.

The holographic image was also shown on the table in front of each student, and they were able to follow along with what Scar was saying while paying attention. Scar flicked his hand toward the holographic image, and it formed into the image of a large lesser daemon.

"Right now, most of you have faced off against one or two of the lesser daemons in the simulation room. They're nasty little things, but that's all they are. They don't possess the tools for killing that would harm anything stronger than a regular human. In fact, I dare say that even the weakest member of this class can handle one of these if they had the right amount of time to prepare.

"But that is a completely different story compared to what it's like to face a daemon in the Null Zone."

The holographic image changed again, this time showing a large image of various concentric circles all surrounding a globe-like structure in the middle.

"According to research done by various demigods over the years, it is believed that the Null Zone is primarily in this form. The center of the concentric circle is the mortal plane, where we are, and as you go further out in the concentric circles, you go deeper and deeper into the Null Zone. The lower level of the Null Zone here is where the monsters we know as lesser daemons, as well as some of the Ascended daemons, would normally appear. But you don't need to worry yourselves about the Ascended daemons. It's a little too high level for little killers like you. Within the Null Zone, Divine Essence moves around the air without constraint. It exists in almost the same way the atmosphere exists in the mortal plane. There is an abundance of it."