valley hunting, ambush gone wrong

In the valley sans and chara are currently surrounded by hordes of blood fire lizards( looks like a comodo dragon with red skin and fires oil like blood from their eyes,also breaths fire neat)and skeleton worms( earthworms but snake size and had white bone armor).

Sans: *sarcastically* Should have not believed you.

Chara:*smug about it* we atleast found some exp from it.

A few minutes earlier, chara and sans observe from a ledge down towards a colony of skeleton worms devouring dead blood lizards.

Sans: tier 1s all of them,*turns to chara* ambush or trap?

Chara: I say we make a trap, ambush them and lead to the trap.

Sans: are you a idiot? Do you want to get hit by your own trap while running from them? By the time we are done with a trap, they may have already regrouped.

Chara: Trust me for once... I have killed way more than you.

Sans and chara argued for two minutes before chara eventually emerged the winner.

Sans and chara sealed a bunch of gaster blaster beams at a spot in the valley and revisited the battle spot.

Sans: I think we should change the plan!*looks down at the gang war going down there*

Chara: don't be a coward Sans.. We got way more than enough power to kill them all.* Jumps into the valley* If you lose. I am getting a kiss.


Chara uses a blood lizard as a cusion to brake her fall and sans uses gravity magic to slide across the walls.

Chara: spike hall

Magic solidified into iron and erupts from the walls and ground. The valley is now filled with iron spikes piercing in random directions. Sans barely managed to jumps out of a spike's way before teleporting to chara.

Sans: YOU... Idiot, you just had make holes everywhere...* Smacks the back of her head* we are about getting jumped like thieves jump a merchant!

Before chara could talk back, hordes of beasts emerge from the holes and begin charging towards them.

Back to the present, The lizards fire oil blood from their eyes at them while a few gather fire in their mouths. Sans quickly makes a dome of bones to block them and Chara uses her metal magic to erupt metal spikes from under the lizards.. the worms jumps out from below them and sans had to teleport himself and chara out onto a ledge.

Chara: *excited* that's new, when did you learn that?

Sans realises that the teleport burned through 40% of his mana reserves( he could spam it as skeleton but more people= higher cost, also chara has organs and flesh so the cost is higher than sans's skeleton form). Sans transforms into his human form and forms the bone armor and double glaive.

Sans: RUN TO THE TRAP*grabs chara and throws her towards the direction of the trap before getting hit with a bunch of fireballs*

Sans endures the hits through his armor and much better physical prowess in human form, he dashes through the valley, slashing apart worms and lizards and blasting them with blasters but his armor has visibly cracked at places and his skin is scorched at places from the heat and impact of hundreds of fireballs. Chara is also rushing, iron spikes emerging to block attacks for her while she slashes at anything that comes her way with her knife.

After 5 minutes of intense chase, they managed to reach the trap.

Sans: * screams* ACTIVATE THEM!!

Chara released the sealing but a fireball from side hits her to the side throwing her into a blaster beams that hit her straight to the back, her reflexes allow her to create a shield but the hit hurt her badly and sent her tumbling towards the horde.