Sans to the rescue, Asgore meets Asriel

Chara rolls on the ground like a log before coming to a halt, her back has visible scotch marks and she is barely able to be conscious.

Chara:*groans in pain* that f***ing hurt.*tries to stand but her body refuses to listen* need to move.

Frisk:*in mind* Run already you idiot.

Frisk tries to motivate Chara with some insults but failed. Chara fainted and just as they were about to be ripped apart by the lizards. Sans swooped in like a battering ram, grabbed her by the waist and kept charging like a madman.

Sans reached the edge of the valley soon. He discarded the armor,leapt up and created platforms from bones to gain some time.

Sans: these persistent bastards. Guide convert souls to mana, we need to create that.

Guide: affirmative.

The souls gathered by guide broke down to pure mana and were gathered by sans into himself and the gaster blaster.

Sans: combination magic: bone dragon resurrection.

The mana turned into bones and created a giant dragon with the blaster as it's head. The dragon turned to the horde and gathered the remaining mana, the mana condensed into a blue flamethrower that roasted even the lizards. Sans jumped onto the dragon with the fainted chara and exited the valley on its back.

The bone dragon with its wings of solidified mana barely let the duo reach their camp before it crashed down and fragmented into dust leaving behind a cracked blaster.

Sans dragged both of them into the camp and bringed out a first-aid kit and begin bandaging chara, her back is scorched black with occasional small cracks in her flesh.

After about 10 mins of non-stop treatment, Sans collapsed on the ground, his form reverted back to skeleton and he brought out a packet of ketchup.

Sans:*takes a sip* I really wish I could just smack her head but *looks at her pained expression and discards such thoughts* I will have to teach her some meditation skills.

Sans surrounds their tent with 3 layers of bones before fainting, the burden of controlling mana higher than his capacity has greatly overloaded his core.

Meanwhile at the king's castle, asgore, alphys and asriel are sitting together. Asgore has a calm expression on his face while alphys is nervous.

Asgore:*sips some tea* you wanted to meet alphys? Did something happen?

Alphys: ah eh um, it is very serious actually.

Alphys proceds to tell asgore about the possible role of the entity in starting the war and the resets.

Asgore:* walks to the flowers and looks at alphys* So the war was pointless and merely entertainment for that bastard? Do you have anyother information.

Alphys: Your majesty... Prince asriel lives.

The king's eyes open wide as his pupils expand, he rushes to alphys and picks her up and demands.


asriel: I am here.*asriel flys up to asgore's shoulder* I used the spell uncle Gaster was researching.

Asgore stares at asriel, his pupils turn violet as he looks into the soul of asriel. He finds the soul same to his son and almost lunges to hug him but asriel moves away.

Asriel: Dad.. *looks down* the body can't handle that for now.

Asriel went and landed on asgore's shoulder.

Asgore: alphys, tell me what happened?

Alphys and asriel quickly told everything they knew and asgore looked around with curosity.

Asgore: So basically Sans and our adopted child has been given powers by that bastard's enemies and are asking for help to fight him?

Asriel: Indeed.

Asgore: alphys can you contact toriel? *with a hint of sadness* I need to apologise to her.

Alphys: Right away.

Alphys leaves and the father-son duo engaged in chatting.