Kenji and Yushiro locked eyes, an unspoken battle raging between them. Their gazes clashed like fire against ice, tension thick in the air. But then, Yushiro chuckled to himself, the sharp edge of his killing intent fading like mist in the morning sun.
"Alright, let's start from the beginning. What exactly are the Division Knights?" Yushiro asked, shifting his gaze between Kenji and me.
"Aren't they the strongest knights in the Empire? The ones who ride dragons?" Kenji answered, his tone confident.
Yushiro smirked. "That's the fairy-tale version. The real Division Knights are an elite unit, the Empire's sword and shield. They were created by the first seven Dragon Knights, who later formed the seven divisions that make up the order."
"Ohh, so the Division Knights are Dragon Knights?" Kenji asked, leaning forward with interest.
Yushiro let out a dramatic sigh. "Wow, blondie, you're actually keeping up? I'm impressed. This old man is proud of you—ho-ho-ho."
I shot a glare at my silver-haired younger brother, but he ignored me and continued.
"Yes, before they became the Division Knights, they were simply Dragon Knights. That's because, back then, the Emperor made a pact with the Dragon Lord."
Kenji and I tilted our heads at the same time. "Dragon Lord?" I echoed.
Kenji's eyes lit up. "Who's that?"
"The Dragon Lord is the ruler of all dragons—one of the strongest beings in the world," Yushiro explained.
Kenji's excitement only grew. "Ray once said that the Emperor is one of the strongest people alive. So, who's stronger?"
Yushiro paused, considering the question. "The Emperor wields both sword and spear and can use Hashi arts. His strength alone is enough to destroy an entire city."
My eyes widened. "A-An entire city!?"
"But the Dragon Lord is different," Yushiro continued. "He can use both True Weapon Arts and Hashi Arts. His power is on another level—strong enough to destroy an entire kingdom by himself."
My mouth went dry. That kind of strength was terrifying.
Yushiro smirked, clearly enjoying our reactions. "You see, true power doesn't come from a ruler alone. It comes from his people."
Huh? What was he saying now? His people? The dragons—
Realization struck me like a lightning bolt. The Dragon Lord didn't just have his own strength—he had an entire army of dragons at his command.
That's… terrifying.
Dragons were classified as Third-Class Beasts—powerful, deadly creatures. If the Dragon Lord could command them to attack, it wasn't just his own strength that made him dangerous. It was the sheer force of his army.
Kenji grinned, probably imagining an epic battle against the Dragon Lord himself. Yushiro chuckled at our stunned silence.
"The Dragon Lord could unleash his dragons on an enemy, wiping out entire nations," he added. "If he truly wanted to, he could reduce three small countries to ashes."
The room fell quiet. The weight of his words settled over us like a heavy blanket.
After a few moments, Yushiro broke the silence. "Oh, and I found out something interesting. Once we rise through the ranks, we'll get a chance to meet either the Dragon Lord or the Emperor."
"Really?!" Kenji shot up from his seat, knocking over his chair in his excitement.
Yushiro nodded. "Yeah, but we'll need to be promoted quite a few times before that happens."
I narrowed my eyes. "How many times are we talking?"
Yushiro scratched his chin. "Probably five promotions. But don't quote me on that—just a rough guess." He shrugged before turning toward the door. "Anyway, let's get going. We have a long day ahead of us."