Kenji (5)

Before the fight with the bandit leader, the village was already a battlefield. The clash of steel, the cries of the wounded, and the thick scent of blood and smoke filled the air. I sprinted into the fray, my heart pounding like a war drum.

I spotted a villager locked in a desperate struggle with a bandit. Without a second thought, I leapt high, bringing my sword down with the flat of the blade aimed at the bandit's head. The impact was solid, knocking the bandit out cold.

Rage surged through me like a tidal wave. These bastards... these filthy bastards. The sight of wounded villagers sprawled on the ground, their blood staining the earth, fueled my fury. Every sound sharpened—the clang of weapons, the shouts, the cruel laughter of bandits. The metallic tang of blood and the suffocating stench of smoke filled my nostrils. I could feel the presence of countless foes scattered throughout the village.

Lost in thought as I assessed our enemies, my instincts screamed danger. I backstepped just in time to dodge an axe swing.

"You asleep, brat?!" the bandit snarled.

I responded with a swift punch to his face, followed by a kick that sent him sprawling, unconscious. More enemies loomed near the village center, but I trusted Taka and Yushiro to handle themselves. I charged ahead, encountering three more bandits. The first lunged at me with a sword; I dodged, grabbed his wrist, and hurled him into a second bandit with all my strength. As I moved forward, an arrow sliced past my cheek. I spotted the archer and dashed towards him, weaving through a hail of arrows. When I was close enough, I leapt and focused my hashi into my leg, delivering a devastating kick to his face, knocking him out.

A villager I saved warned of more trouble deeper in the village. I sped forward, finding eight bandits standing over eleven wounded villagers. Releasing 12% of my hashi, I slammed the flat of my blade into a bandit's face. The others froze in shock, giving me the chance to strike the nearest one, spinning mid-air to knock him out. The rest snapped out of their daze and rushed me.

My sword clashed with theirs in rapid succession. I thrust at one bandit's heart, but his armor absorbed the blow, pushing him back instead. As I spun to face another, my blade sliced through a leg, earning a scream of agony. Another bandit charged, and my thrust was blocked by crossed spears. I pushed through but felt a sharp cut on my side. Gritting my teeth, I let go of my sword and delivered a punch to a nearby bandit's chest. Another spear jabbed my shoulder, but I yanked it away and knocked its wielder out with an uppercut.

With only five left, I ducked a spear thrust, sweeping the attacker off his feet. A sword came down at me; I rolled away and reclaimed my weapon. Facing four bandits armed with swords and spears, I ensured they stayed away from the injured villagers. I parried simultaneous spear attacks, countering with a powerful slash to their abdomens. A quick spin put me face-to-face with the last two. Blocking a side slash, I kicked one bandit away and knocked him out with another blade slap. The final bandit, wide-eyed with fear, was swiftly subdued with a thrust to his stomach and a punch to the back of his head.

"Hey kid, you're good," a voice called.

A man clad in metal armor approached with more bandits in tow. His presence was commanding, different from the others. My grip on my sword tightened, and my glare made some of his men flinch.

"Kid, why don't you stop trying to be a hero and move out of my way?" he said.

"Huh? And why would I do that?" I replied, my voice laced with anger.

"Because you might not want to die," he sneered.

I glared at him fiercely. "Bring it."

After taking down three bandits, the leader lunged at me. I thrust my sword, but he blocked with his shield and countered. I parried his sword with my hand and jumped back. We exchanged blows, each blocked and countered with precision. A slash caught my shoulder, and we both retreated.

"Go now!" he commanded.

Bandits rushed from behind him, but a blonde blur appeared beside me.

"I'll handle the left," Taka said, slicing through a bandit's defenses with his "Mountain-Splitting Wave" technique. Seizing the distraction, I knocked out another bandit with a blade slap.

Facing the leader again, I wielded my sword with both hands, focusing my immense hashi into it. He noticed my shift in stance and charged. Waiting for the perfect moment, I unleashed my only technique.

"BLADE OF WILL!!" I roared, my sword cutting through his body.

He fell unconscious.

My 'Blade of Will' can cut or merely knock out, depending on my intent. And tonight, I intended to end this fight without taking a life.