— What's wrong? — He asked, his face close to mine. After all, I was the one who pulled him. But my eyes widened, surprised by my own action.
— I heard some idiot talking nonsense about you. Why does everyone keep talking behind your back? — I said.
— Do you care about me that much? — He moved even closer, whispering in my ear.
— Maybe. — I replied quietly.
He smiled, and soon after, he introduced me to his friends.
Besides Jaeho, I got to know more about Thomas André and Lee Dong. They were two of the Min family's most loyal soldiers. Thomas was huge and strong, while Dong was slimmer but had broad shoulders and an extremely handsome face. He could have been a successful actor or K-pop singer. He always made bad jokes, but somehow, they always got a genuine laugh out of Thomas André. They seemed like a married couple of twenty years. Dong called Thomas André "Mon."
Min Jun-Ho threw himself into the conversation and laughter as if the party were his. Every now and then, the others would talk to me. That's how I learned a few things about him: that when he was younger, he ran away from home but came back a week later; that his father didn't want him involved in the mafia, but Jun-Ho snuck in anyway; that he was once chased by the police and got into an accident that left him hospitalized for two months; that he once fainted in a pool and nearly drowned; and that he cried last year because he accidentally ran over a rabbit. The men told these stories with laughter, as if they were just teasing Jun-Ho, but there was something more. The pride of those who had watched a younger brother grow up.
— Why does Lee Dong-shi call Thomas André "Mon"? — I asked Jun-Ho.
— "Mon"? Ah… It's from "Monster".
— Monster? Like a beast? Why does he have that nickname?
— That's what they call Thomas André. — Jun-Ho smiled. — He got that name because he blew up a gas tank. It was during a Faction clash. Only a monster would do something like that, even if the idea was just to scatter them. That's what they say…
— Hm, he seems nice.
— He is. I like him a lot. — Jun-Ho smiled, and I was captivated. Seeing him smile like that was surprising.
The sound of the party buzzed in the background. People from different factions, the air in that place carried a temporary peace that unsettled me. Still, Jun-Ho saw it as just another party. But maybe it wasn't so different from the Promise Club.
— Jun-Ho, let's leave. — I said in the midst of silence.
He looked at me disapprovingly.
— I want to take you somewhere first.
I stayed quiet and simply followed him to the elevator. He seemed excited. We went up to the ground floor.
When we arrived, there was another bar, but more private. No one was there except the bartender.
— I need to handle some business. I'm meeting with someone important for my family's affairs, but you can drink as much as you want.
I pouted, already tired, but followed his suggestion.
Suddenly, I saw someone coming up the elevator. My stomach turned. It was that guy. The one who helped me with Jun-Ho when he passed out. The same one who had choked me.
— Ah, I apologize again for what happened. I really didn't know. I just found out you two are engaged. Congratulations. — He said as soon as he saw me.
— Carter Nuen, this is Park Salin. Salin, this is Carter Nuen, a representative of K5. — Jun-Ho introduced us.
I tried to hide my surprise. K5 was a faction known for its violence.
— Ah, I see.
— I'm curious… A month ago, you didn't even know Jun-Ho had panic attacks, and now you're engaged.
Despite his apology, I could tell by his gaze that he still wanted to strangle me, especially now that he realized I hadn't told Jun-Ho anything.
— No, I already knew. I was just surprised by the circumstances. He hadn't passed out while he was with me before.
— Is that so? I thought it was an arranged marriage set up by your future mother-in-law.
— She doesn't even like me. — I laughed, hoping he got the message.
— Hm. And by any chance…
— My relationship with Salin shouldn't concern you so much, Nuen. We're not here to talk about that. — Jun-Ho interrupted.
They started discussing business. I just sat by the bar, uninterested in the conversation.
— Sorry about him. — Jun-Ho appeared a few minutes later. — We have to tolerate him for a while, but his days are numbered. Don't let him intimidate you.
— I didn't like him from the start. Glad you feel the same way. But, despite being nosy, he wasn't lying.
— In that case, neither were you. — Jun-Ho chuckled as he sat beside me. — But to be honest, I thought this would be easier.
— The meeting was hard?
— I'm talking about us.
— And what's the problem?
— Me.
— Well, that's nothing new. Why would you be different with me if you're the same with everyone else?
— I already told you. — I felt Jun-Ho's hands rest on mine. — I feel different with you. I feel better. And now I have no doubt that I love you.
My heart stopped for a moment. He said it so naturally, as if it were a certainty that had always been there.
— I decided it was better to torture myself to be with someone I love than to torture myself to be with someone I don't. But I still hoped it would be easier.
I swallowed hard.
— I understand.
— Be patient, okay?
— Me? Do I look like I'm waiting for something?
— You do.
— Take that back! I've never expected anything from you!
I blatantly lied.
I sat back down under his smug gaze.
But then I felt my face heat up. Jun-Ho was staring at me intensely. The warmth in his gaze was different. It was intense, sharp. My heart raced.
He did nothing. Just stared at me shamelessly.
I waited for him to ask for a kiss. I waited anxiously, feeling our proximity, feeling the moment.
But instead, came the cold air brushing against my fingers the instant he pulled his hand away.
The impact was immediate. A slight tightness in my chest.
Jun-Ho stood up as if denying his own desire.
Maybe I froze for a few seconds just to process it.
Undeniably, disappointment hit me. I bit my lips, waiting for him to say something.
Maybe I should take back what I said earlier. Jun-Ho was too handsome for me not to want something. Maybe I really should be patient. Wait for his moments.
Or maybe not.
I could still feel the warmth of his hand on mine. And, for some reason, I wanted more.
— Let's go home. — He called.
And I followed him, still having much to understand about him.