As Jun-Ho had asked, I returned to college. I didn't understand his insistence, I already had a degree in accounting and was only studying law out of interest.
But since he was paying, there was no reason to refuse. Besides, he was the one driving me. Deep down, the more we were seen together, the better. It was a way to show people we were close.
It had only been three days since I saw our names on the top gossip sites. The rumors about us were just speculation, nothing confirmed, but enough to draw attention. As soon as Min Jun-Ho stopped the car in front of the college, I noticed a few people waiting outside. The moment they saw me, they ran in my direction.
Flashes hit my eyes, bothering me for a few seconds. Before I even realized it, there was already a large crowd around me.
— Is it true that you're engaged to the son of the owner of MJ Entertainment?
— Is Min Kun against the marriage?
— Is your relationship just a façade to cover up Mr. Min's homophobia?
— Is it true that Yuno plans to start singing again?
— Are you a male escort?
The rumors were absurd, but I stayed firm, not saying a word, just as Jun-Ho had told me to.
Inside the college, the atmosphere was calmer. I soon spotted my group of friends, and a wave of nervousness ran through my body. They didn't know anything, and I had no idea how they would react. I took a deep breath and approached them.
— Salin, what no one knows, no one can ruin, right? I was shocked when I read about you and Ian — Hana commented, clearly excited.
Henry stepped closer, his eyes shining with curiosity.
— So, what's it like being engaged to Yuno? He seems so... serious — he asked with a half-smile, trying to lighten the mood. — I didn't even know he was involved with anyone.
I held back a laugh. Jun-Ho really had that distant and reserved image; very few people knew about his personal life. His stage name was Ian, and he had already released an album, which made our engagement seem even more random.
— He has his moments — I replied with a nearly shy smile. — But he's different when we're together.
Before they could ask more questions, someone cracked a joke about marriage, making everyone laugh. I took advantage of the moment to change the subject.
When I entered the classroom, a slight discomfort settled in with so many thoughts spinning in my head. Living with Jun-Ho was difficult, I had to sustain so many personas at the same time. How did he live like this?
— Good morning, students.
The teacher's voice sent a shiver down my spine. I turned toward the sound, and the moment our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat. My soul nearly left my body.
That professor was young and widely talked about. People said he had graduated from this academy and secured the job because he had become a partner. But more than that...
Someone beside me nudged my arm.
— We thought you were going to struggle in college, but turns out you're sleeping with the professor. Shameless.
I laughed nervously. Even I didn't know. Or rather, I hadn't realized.
Jun-Ho usually wore his hair wavy, but now it was neatly pulled back. He wore square glasses and formal clothes. I wasn't even more surprised because I had seen him dressed formally before.
Jun-Ho was my philosophy professor.
So that's why he was upset when I didn't recognize him that time. But here… he didn't even seem like the Jun-Ho I knew.
He wasn't wearing a hoodie, smoking a cigarette, driving a luxury car with his tattoos exposed. I wasn't more shocked only because I had seen him in formal wear before.
When we arrived together, he wasn't wearing a coat, nor glasses, and his hair wasn't tied back. I really thought he had left, but in reality, he had just parked the car, gone to the faculty office, and now here he was.
The lecture went on, and my ears burned from how much Jun-Ho kept looking at me. During the break, I went straight to his desk, still incredulous.
— I thought you wouldn't recognize me — he said first, smiling.
— What is your problem?
— My problem?
— Why do you have so many identities? You act like a different person all the time.
— I am Min — he pointed at the name tag on his shirt. — Min Jun-Ho. I don't live double lives; they're just different angles of the same person.
— Don't talk like a philosophy professor. And that only says "Min," there are plenty of Mins out there.
He smiled.
— You don't like seeing me here?
— I'm just surprised, that's all.
I could feel the other students' eyes on us. They already knew we were engaged. The news had really aired on TV. That bothered me, so I left the classroom, needing to clear my head.
Now it made sense why Jun-Ho already knew me before.
I walked toward the cafeteria but stopped the moment I saw a familiar face. JP
— Park Salin…! — He called my name, already irritated, clearly having waited for this moment. I tried to avoid him, but he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt. — I went to your house, and you weren't there. I went to your job, and you weren't there. I sent messages, and you blocked me everywhere. All because you're screwing Jun-Ho?!
I rolled my eyes.
— What? You don't like it? You were doing the same thing, dating that guy from the pizzeria, and now you want to call me out?
— I messed up, but you didn't have to… I'm not with him anymore. I realized I made a mistake and wanted to apologize. I thought you would come back to me.
— I don't want to. And we're done here.
— What? No way, d*mn it! You're staying with me!
I sighed.
— I'm not. When I deleted your number, I had already decided that. Didn't you get it? I don't like you and never did. I was just going through a rough patch and used you to fill the void.
His eyes widened.
— Don't talk nonsense! You said you loved me.
— After everything you did, it's ridiculous to think you still have a chance.
I pulled away from him and turned my back. When I looked ahead, I saw Jun-Ho standing nearby, watching everything.
He was smiling slightly. He had probably heard everything. Another shiver ran through me.