I stared at Jun-ho and walked toward him, ready to pass by, but Min extended his arm, trying to stop me.
— Are you already falling for me?
— I don't like you either — I said.
— I want a kiss.
— Keep wanting it — I replied, trying to ignore the wave of electricity that surged through me. He should have asked for this yesterday!
— You can't deny me — he teased, and I took a deep breath, feeling my heart race.
I pushed him inside the room he had just stepped out of and closed the door behind us, pressing him against the wall. Then, I kissed him. But I did it with intent. With my lips, I pressed against his so he had no chance to escape. Supporting his hands against the wall, as if trying to hold on for as long as possible, he reciprocated with equal intensity. He was completely surrendered to me, and I was drowning in his taste, his desire, the rhythm of our dance.
Despite his flaws and our circumstances, Jun-ho was still better than JP. That bastard betrayed me for months. I found out eventually but decided to stay with him. However, his fake attitude started to hurt me so much... I hated how dependent I felt on him. I don't want to be dependent on Jun-ho. Let him desire me, let him chase me, let him do everything for me. That's the least I expect, since I'm in this.
But I had to admit, kissing Jun-ho felt really good.
And I had to admit: Min Jun-ho affected me a lot.
Suddenly, he pushed me away in a panic. I was slightly startled to see his wide eyes and his unsteady breathing. But despite stepping back, he smiled, seeming to enjoy the kiss just as much as I did. Slightly out of control, he couldn't speak. Leaning on his legs, he looked like he might collapse at any moment. So, I waited for him to catch his breath and calm down before asking, slightly annoyed:
— Why did you ask me to kiss you if you weren't ready?
His eyes were nearly popping out, but he looked proud.
— Because you're mine, and I want you to know that — he said, still panting. — Even if it drives me crazy, in these months that we have, don't worry about anything. I will protect you from everything. And who knows... you might end up falling in love with me and we might get married for real
— Sometimes, you seem so innocent — I retorted. — After your birthday, we're done. There won't be a wedding — I said, leaving the room.
I kept a serious expression, trying to hold onto some sanity myself. But, damn it, that was a good kiss.
When it was time to leave, he was waiting for me in his car. I won't lie, I felt proud. A handsome man in a fancy car was waiting for me. But it was terrifying how far our fake relationship was going. At some point, whether through the media, personally, or in Jun-ho's line of work, one of his enemies would come after me sooner or later.
— How was your class?
— The professor is really boring.
— Oh? I heard you were drooling over him because he's very handsome.
— Why didn't you tell me he was my professor this semester?
— I wanted you to remember on your own.
— I wouldn't have remembered. If you had told me, I would've stalled less.
— I thought you were doing this for your family.
— And I am, of course. I never stopped considering that. By the way, are we really meeting your mother today?
— She's easygoing, I already told you.
— No, she's going to kill me the first chance she gets. I saw her eyes; it was written all over them.
— Don't worry, this dinner isn't with my parents. It's with other leaders.
Jun-ho said he needed the elders' trust. I knew a lot about etiquette, so I believed I would do well.
When we arrived at the dinner, there was a considerable number of people in the room.
— It's great to see young Jun-ho finding his way. We can see a bright future ahead.
— Thank you. I just needed to find myself. I appreciate your patience.
— Is this your fiancé?
— Yes, Park Salin.
— Pleasure to meet you. Be very proud, you saved your fiancé's life and future.
— Ah… — I was caught off guard. They talked about absurd things, throwing jabs and jokes at each other. The atmosphere was toxic. And I had never seen Jun-ho smile so much.
Some guests were already leaving. As we walked out, he looked at me with his vibrant eyes!
— Finally!
— What?
— They're accepting me. Soon, the final say will be mine.
— Why do you need their support?
— I don't need their support; I need their recognition. My father has control only because he's recognized as the greatest. I need to do the same.
I was impressed. Jun-ho wasn't feeling pressured by anyone, nor was he being forced. He truly wanted to take control of Golden.
— Hm… You seem to be doing really well. At least I didn't see anyone making faces behind your back.
Maybe Jun-ho was just like them, after all.
I got up and went to the bathroom before leaving. When I returned, I saw Min Jun-ho from a distance, talking to another woman.
Why does he seem like a magnet for women? They all threw themselves at him, and he always gave them reason to. One of them was already cornering him, drink in hand. She looked very comfortable. I turned back to the bathroom. How long would they talk? By the time I finished washing my hands, would he pretend she never showed up?
— Sali. — Jun-ho said as he entered the bathroom. I admit, I got startled. He looked at me, suspicious. — Sorry, it's just that you were taking too long.
— Oh no, you were just busy. I just wanted to wash my hands carefully — I said.
He smiled, proud.
— Don't worry about any women or men who come near me.
I watched him grab the soap, pour an excessive amount, and wash his entire arm and hands.
— I just hate being touched — he said.
— I understand.
I had already noticed. He showers every time he gets home, no matter if it's the third or fourth time that day. His arm has scars, and so do his fingers. Curiously, I imagine his right arm has the most, but it's covered in tattoos. His shoulder, where people often touch, also has scars, like burn marks. I thought they were from his work, but most of them were likely self-inflicted.
— But you've improved a lot — I commented, since there didn't seem to be any new scars.
— Yes — he smiled, and as if reading my thoughts, he extended his arms, showing that there was indeed nothing recent. — That was when I was younger. I used to be wrapped in bandages, avoided leaving the house. That was one of the benefits of therapy, though it's a long process.
Jun-ho lifted his arms and flexed them, with a proud smile.
I laughed at his gesture, he truly seemed happy. And that made me feel relieved. Dedicated to reaching his goal, even though his future was dark, nothing seemed to suppress his smile, whether because of what he had already been through or what was yet to come.
Most of the time, Jun-ho is just like a happy, curious child. And, to me, it's perfectly fine for him to be that way.