This is a human

I could see Jun-Ho holding a piece of paper. The empty spot made me think something should have been there, but it was gone, and that irritated him.

I walked toward him as soon as I noticed his distressed expression when he threw the paper to the ground.

— Do you need anything? — I asked, trying to understand what was going on.

— No, there's nothing I can do now. — He replied without looking directly at me, his breathing still uneven.

While Thomas André and Lee Dong searched for clues around the warehouse, I led him to the car. He stared fixedly at no particular point. I sat beside him, waiting for him to say something, but all I did was meet his gaze, now a mixture of sadness and frustration.

— What's going on with you? — I asked, knowing there was something more than just betrayal.

— Do you think I'm a monster? — he asked, his voice low, almost as if he wanted to avoid the answer, staring into the distance.