— So you told everything to Salin… Does he know you've already dealt with the guy who beat up his brother?
— No. But he probably suspects it.
— Oh, sure. Because now he's a mind reader.
Min Jun-Ho sighed, resting his elbows on the table.
— I'm not feeling great today, Jaeho.
— Come on, man. The day was perfect. I don't know what got to you, but Salin did something historic.
Jun-Ho finally smiled for the first time since their conversation started.
— He was incredible, Jaeho! He's always the best part of my day.
— I visited the boss after that. Min Kun was thrilled, smiling like, "I've chosen my son-in-law."
— That old man was probably betting on that gun being pointed at my head, just so I could see Salin's reaction.
Jaeho laughed.