This is a short match

Min Jun-Ho heard the phone ringing but resisted getting out from under Salin. He was content, after all, he had managed to spend the entire night beside him, sleeping together. However, the persistent sound of the phone eventually forced him to get up. He didn't need to answer the call; a message had already given him the necessary information.

Jun-Ho had to go to Canada. Alone.

He turned to Salin, observing the angelic face he had fallen in love with. None of his worst thoughts or nightmares could overshadow the purity and beauty he saw in him. He no longer confused things. When Salin was near, he felt nothing but peace; nothing was distorted. It was just Salin. No voices from his past screamed, no dark feelings consumed him. There was only Salin and the calmness he brought. His passion for the older man was what made him forget all the terrible things the world had thrown at him. Jun-Ho was growing, even knowing this relationship wouldn't last forever.