Chapter 49

The city view from his booked hotel room wasn't bad, a part of the city was shown, and it was pretty decent compared to their own, yet this is just the surface, what sleeps inside is still unknown.

He felt a back hug and a voice says

"Good morning handsome" The girl said and Rain look down at her.




Little after both were now sitting on a table inside that hotel room, and Rain put an envelope on the table while taking out a cigarette, lighting it up and throw it half-empty box on the table.

The girl looks at the envelope and took it opening it to find a sum of money, a big one, her eyes went wide open "you didn't even touch me but you are giving me all this?"

Rain took a sip and look at her "I know you weren't lucky yesterday at the casino, you already work with them to bite the new comers"

The girl felt tensed but was about to try and deny it "i…

"Don't try to deny it, I saw you signing to the dealer on the table to give me the winning cards"

"Yet you still pays me for what? Deceiving you?"

Rain turned off the cigarette at the ashtray on that table "I am paying you for the information you will provide me, and I promise no one will know" he says that thinking of killing her after she talks, yet this isn't his area, so getting rid of a dead body may cause trouble

"What do you want to know" she said while putting the envelope near her declaring that she accepts the deal

"What the relationship between Hades and Zhan YuRan"

The girl shrugs "Hades is a mafia leader and YuRan is a casino owner mostly money laundry nothing much"

"Is he one of them?"

The girl shake her head "In terms of words but physically! Zhan YuRan is always out of the country they probably never had a real meeting, even if they do he won't dare to actually says he is one of Hades since he was one of the Rogues"

"The Rogues?"

The girl nodded "are you new in town?" she huffs taking the cigarette box from the table sliding one and gesture to be lighted, Rain did give her the lighter "the Rogues are the real deal, they are everywhere they take everything, even Hades couldn't beat them in terms of insanity, they could eat your soul and leave your body roam around!"

"So the Rogues are the one taking over the south?"

"When I was around 10y.o both starts as debt collectors they grow both but the Rogues grows wider taking over everything and Hades was afraid even to show his face or they would kill him! But in the last years Hades start playing the Rogues game legally in an illegal way which makes him the needle in the neck that can't be removed now"

Rain understands the situation, it is similar to the red-circle and the Hellhounds but theirs are now for generations, "what if I want to find a man from Hades!"

The girl though about it "Hades men aren't in 'Nelor' I mean you may find some, but if they meet they will be certainly a crossed fire"

"Are they in 'Wesvil' city?"

"Yes, you will find more of them over there openly saying they are from Hades"

"Any idea of someone from Hades having red hair?"

The girl though about it "Em… red hair, no not really but if you want to ask about someone you should meet the girls at the 'water trade' it is a host club, they know everything, just pay them good so they talk freely"


The informations he got from the girl were useful to him, when he was having his breakfast, his man came giving him the report for what the others finds out.

"The 3 did inform that the 'Wesvil' is Hades base, but they didn't have any luck to meet anyone from that group, as for us we asked around but no one claims they are from Hades, they even got angry when asking about them"

"Because it is not their area" Rain thought about it for some time "sent the other man to 'Wesvil' to help, you and me we will visit a place called the 'water trade' before we catch up to them"

"Yes Boss, also about the black market there is a website but not everyone is allowed to go into I will keep digging to get the access"



----------------// after

Rain had to keep working on his laptop at the hotel till it was late, because first that host club was opening only in the night, and second he need also to work since he travelled without any warning.

The time was now 10:36 he looked at the hour and asks his man who was driving to stay outside at the car.

Getting inside that host club and going to the reception A woman says with a big smile "Welcome, oh such a handsome man is it your first time here?"

Rain nodded taking out his black card "I want a private place, and the strongest drink you have"

Seeing his card she definitely had her eyes getting double sized "sure, any specific type?"

"Someone smart! I like to chitchat about my worries before anything else"

The woman smiled with pleasant "I have the right girls for you" she looked at a worker and asked him "show him the way to the VIP 2 room"

"This way sir" The worker says moving in front of him and Rain did follow him from behind till they were in that VIP room, it had a big table rounded by a red sofa, he sits in there looking at the TV showing so many songs, but he isn't here for this. He took again a cigarette and lighted it up, not more than a minute 3 girls came in with a server holding a champagne. The three firstly start to speak about his looks complimenting him none stop. Sometime has passed and the girls were singing laughing and all drunk, Rain who did drink but only one glass to not get drunk waited for them to be fully wasted to not lie…

"Can I go to the restroom?"

One of the girls said while trying to stand, but she was swaying left and right and when she opens the door she falls on the ground. Rain grimaced but he did stand to help her up with "are you okay?" The girl laughed confirming she was fine, but Rain eyes landed on a girl walking by his room, her hair was looking exactly the same as the girl at the masquerade even her heights, focusing on her she was busy bumping in a drunk man and apologizing to him with a smile…a rectangle smile…

Rain had his doubts confirmed with that smile, letting the girl go to the bathroom alone and wanted to follow the other one but before he could do anything the drunk guy yells…

"Thief CATCH HER!"

Rain saw the girl suddenly running, and four men coming out of the room the drunk man was next to runs after her. --They must be his bodyguards-- he thought but not much time he heard gun shots, "damn it" Rain cursed running to the same direction they went to because he needs her alive if he wants to find his necklace.

Following them to a room they counter her in, he came from behind took his gun and shot all the four men, looking at the girl who was shocked seeing him "we meet again" Rain said grabbing her arm and pulling her out of that room.

"Why are you here?" she said confused

"Over there"

"He killed our men"

Rain heard from behind him and he was aware of the others having guns, he turn as fast as he can shooting them before they do, but ended up in a crossed fire, with her there he stands in front of her pushing her in a corner so she won't get hurt

The girl screamed a small one hiding behind that corner, while he was trying to not get killed "move" he ordered her seeing their opportunity when he hits them all since he doesn't miss to flee, she runs as fast as she can and he runs after her seeing everyone was hiding scared to be shot.

He reaches the outside hearing the girl screaming when he saw her trying to run away from his man who catches her when he wanted to go inside hearing the gunshots


He called and Rain ordered both of them "to the car" running while dragging the girl with them, getting in the back seat the other went to the driver seat but before he could get in a bullet hit his head and he falls dead! "damn it" Rain cursed seeing one of his favourite men a dead body, still with no hesitation he jumped to the driver seat closing the door and starting the engine driving away having a shower of bullets behind him.


"I was so dead those Rogues are insane! really thank you" The girl said from behind but with her small body she easily slide to the front seat while checking the road "they didn't follow us!" she said in relieve "Rain Volk right, what brought you here?" she asked with a smile "my charming smile?"

Rain grimaced not slowing down trying to go anyway to make sure they won't follow him

"really why are you in the south?" she repeated the question but saw him touching the space in between his neck and left shoulder the girl thought about how he protected her with his body when they start shooting them and was nervous when she start seeing some blood "oh my god! You got shot!"