Rain didn't deny it, protecting her he did got shot, he felt the pain of the bullet in his shoulder but he can't stop now even his men are in another city "I will be fine" he declare
"Fine? You kidding me right? You need a doctor you are losing so much blood!"
Rain knew she was right, being unconscious in a place he doesn't know anyone at is bad! Very bad for his statue especially when she knows who he is "any near hospital?" he asked
She answered in frustration "hospitals in 'Nelor' refuses any gunshot cases" she looks at him with a full guilty face "but I know a place let me drive"
"Just tell me the direction"
"You should keep pressing, stop please!"
The girl insisted and he knows it isn't for his good to be driving, he stopped switching with her and took his phone texting his men his live location in case anything bad happened. Seeing her driving she also took her phone calling a number on speaker
"Whaaaat Dena?" a male voice heard answering in a tired way
"Doctor please tell me you are at your clinic!"
Rain at least know the girl's name now
"No, I just came out from the hospital" the male voice answered still in an unbothered way
"Please I need your help" Dena said looking at Rain "someone tried to save me and got shot"
"Consequences of being a hero! Not my business" the doctor answers in sarcasm
"Doctor please help!" Dena said desperate "I am on my way to your clinic right now"
"I would like to help buuuut I am out of my medications I need to grab them first, you know I can't concentrate without them"
"PLEASE I SWEAR I WILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT" she yells feeling that she had no other option
"You sounds desperate you like him or something?" a sigh heard with a car engines starting "okay keep your words of 'whatever' then, I am on my way wait me there"
Both heard the phone call ended and Rain start feeling the dizziness "a doctor?" he asked to keep himself busy
"Yes, he lives in Wesvil but he does some shady works for the Rogues"
"The Rogues?"
"I know" Dena answered frustrated "I have no options"
Rain tried to relax looking at a sign on the road indicating they left 'Nelor' but not far after they arrived at an abandoned neighbourhood.
driving between the alleys she stopped near a house "you can walk?" she asked him and he nodded getting down the car seeing her walking to the house they stopped in front of and pushing the door open without it being locked "come" she said and he wanted to go to her but the place made a 360degree turn, making him lean against the car.
"Let me help" Dena said running to his side and tried helping him walk.
Inside that place, it was so cold, the place looks more like a morgue not a clinic, a simple wooden chair was the only warm thing in there.
"that room" Dena pointed to a door inside that small clinic and when he got in, he found a bed and he sits on it waiting that doctor to arrive, even that bed was coming out of a horror movie, old and squeaking. How many germs could be in this! He look at Dena who was checking his wound
"At the masquerade…" he have to ask before he could lose his conscious
"What about it?' Dena was focused on what he was saying
"I am searching for a guy with a red hair…" Rain said but stopped feeling the pain getting worse, and his body starts to lose it strength, he knows he lost a lot of blood in the road here, and it is bad because his eyes were getting heavier,
"Hang in there" Dena said taking her phone and calling again "Doctor…
But he couldn't keep awake anymore closing his eyes…
He heard from behind him and turns…he tried to call his name but his voice didn't come out…
He tried to reach him but then he was standing in the crematorium looking at him…
…at his dead body
"I am sorry…"
He heard but saw the eyes got opened yet he turns to ashes…
Calling his name he opened his eyes seeing the ceiling of that old clinic, he first noticed his shoulder and arm being wrapped, then look at the room having empty blood bags and some mess in tools near a table he didn't notice before when he gets in here.
He pushed himself up feeling that he can't move his left arm, and surely it is because of the drug! Still his other hand searched for his gun first and it was on a small table near him along with his bloody shirt and jacket, taking the jacket putting it on his shoulders, he took the gun and stands pulling that needle in his arm linked to the IV pole and walk to the door opening it carefully…
For his surprise this cheap room was sound proof because once he opened that door he start hearing the conversation outside…
"Don't leave just yet!" he heard Dena asking
"I told you I need my medications, I really can't focus anymore"
Rain heard a male voice talking, the same one as in the phone call no doubt, that uncaring maybe tired tone was in there
"You just finish the operation, what if something wrong happens?"
"Nothing will happen, he will stay a sleep till the next morning"
Rain wonder if that doctor knows what he was doing since he is awake just after finishing the operation, yet he can't feel the pain, and he looks like he did a very good job too!
Not waiting to hear anything else he opens the door fully to look at the two by the exit door…
"Rain!" Dena called surprised walking fast to him
But Rain swears his heart stopped at the moment, not only his arm that he couldn't move, his brain, his heart, his legs, his everything… he stands there so much in shock looking at the male in that room when he called the name "Fourth?" that doctor look identically to Yohan, but with shorter black hair, and much grown face.
"He is not supposed to be awake yet!" The doctor says wanting to walk to him but the door behind him got smashed open, and more than 7 men came in holding rifles pointing them at the 3
"The Rogues" Dena said standing next to Rain who automatically rises his gun, but they are more than him and if he shoots…his eyes landed on the nearest person to those rifles and it was that doctor.
"well, well, looks who is here" one of those men spoke, the guy was having a very strange haircut, leaving half of his head bold and the other not, and he seems to be the leader of that group, he spoke walking to the doctor.
And Rain pointed the gun to him, making the others getting ready to fire on him, Dena tried to stand in front of him, but with her small body the bullet could hit his head from miles away. But the next sentence being spoke made Rain confused
"You dare to broke my door" that looks like Yohan says in a very unbothered way walking in between the guns and checking the door, he sigh making that leader of the group startled in his words…
"i..i did! So?"
The Doctor looks daggers at him walking in front of him making their faces close since the two were the same height "you will fix it douche!"
The other gritted his teeth while speaking "My name is Doug"
The Doctor rolled his eyes with "whatever I don't have time for this, why the freaking villain entrance"
Rain noticed that the two sure know each other, remembering Dena saying that the doctor do the shady work for The Rogues it means he is one of them
"You don't know?" Doug says looking with a smirk at the two by the far door "your short friend here stole the XT card from one of our VIP, and your patient killed 7 of our men"
The Doctor looked at Dena with confusing looks, and Rain swears his heart could stop of the identical faces, if he didn't see Fourth burn with his own eyes he would swear it is him!
"Seriously Dena! Damn I should never trust Hades daughter!"
That when Rain looked at Dena with a confused look, his gun switched automatically to her with "Hades daughter?"
Dena face was screaming the stress "listen I can explain…"
"Very interesting…" Doug says walking to the two looking at Rain "You didn't know! It means you are not from Hades? Nor from The Rogues, but looking at you…" his eyes scanned his body "you look like something"
"He is a Mafia boss" Dena answered him "but not from the south, it's the red-circle"
Doug raised an eyebrow "the…who?" he asked looking at his men, and they shrugs, he look at the doctor and he shrugs too, the guy thought about it "em…maybe the boss shall hear your part of the story…you will come with us" he ordered
Rain saw that this is might be a good opportunity, Hades is his future enemy, yet the Rogues are Hades actual enemies,
"Rain don't trust them…" Dena tried to keep him in her side but he did put his gun down and even throw it to Doug
"Good" Doug says catching at gun "I guess we are at the same side" he turned looking at Dena "and you my dear you will be sent to the dungeon till we have a good conversation with your papa"
"f**k you" Dena cursed when the Rogues were coming to her direction but before two men grabbed her pushing her outside she looked at Rain whispering "the red hair guy I know where to find him"
Rain frowns knowing that the fragment is important to him, and she will take him to the culprit the fastest way, he saw that Doug guy pointing for him to follow them and he did. When they were outside near the cars he saw that Doug guy grabbing the Doctor arm pulling him closer "Lex where to?"
Rain felt his heart twisted but his brain tells him that this guy is not him
"Wesvil! I am out of the medications" he answered huffing
"Come with me, let me finish this and I will drive you back to 'Wesvil' myself I promise" Doug says and the other nodded agreeing.
One of the cars took Dena and the other had Rain sitting at the back with two men from each side, that Doug guy was the one driving him, but at the passenger seat that Doctor with the name Lex sits in there
"What about the door?" Lex says looking at Doug
Doug huffs "you are nagging like my wife, I will sent someone to fix it but let us leave this place first, still…you broke me out of character because of that door, didn't you ask to come without letting Dena knows that you called us!"
Rain heard that conversation and was shocked, the girl trusted the doctor to treat his wound but he called the Rogues on her! ""
"Still…you broke my door!"
Doug huffs "okay, I am sorry for exaggerating, but that will make her think she puts you in trouble, we don't want Hades men on our only Doctor don't we!"
"I don't want that either" Lex says searching in his pockets and took some pills then grabbed a bottle of water turning back looking at Rain.
At the same time Rain start feeling his drugged arm but his thoughts did stop when he look at him from that close distance
---It is him---
Were his thoughts