the time was dark but the streets were lively with the cars driving their way to their end, now it was a matter of who is stronger and who will stay standing, so many cars were serialising behind on the way to the new comers area, those Hades who though they could come from far away and play with the rules or the Hellhounds and the red-circle. Thinking that they could beat them in their own game that they were playing for generation. For Rain maybe they would have won if they come 5 years ago, but now he is worse than his father, what the meaning of death anyway! At the end getting another hundreds victims under his name is nothing new, he already went deep in this field and he won't get out unless it's to the afterlife!
His car was leading the way, making the streets of the city in fear, hoping it could be far away from them, those who lives here do know what comes after such gathering…
A red river ending in an ocean of tears!
Entering that area, Rain could see that he isn't the only one arriving, someone else came from the other side of the city, and he stopped the car and stepped down and the other in the other car did the same while screaming the sentence and holding his gun in his hand
"The red-circle heir is here too! What a pleasure!"
It was the 3rd prince of the Hellhounds, that foolish guy with his hellhound face tattoo, was definitely coming here to take down Hades too! "Third!"
"Well, I shall ask are you here with me or against me!" he look at his men who walks behind him "because I heard you have many little meetings with this f***er inside"
Rain hates him, this guy is insane! Not thinking at all, all he do is shoot his gun and fight. Talking to him is such a waste of time, but also at this moment he is a pretty good ally because Hades needs to know that he is in their area not in the south!
"I am here to kill Hades" he declare and third heard it and smile turning to his men and screamed out loud "YOU HEARD HIM, LET'S KILL THOSE HAAAADES"
And the louder yelling coming after that sentence made Rain look at his men who were aware of those Third men!
"KILL ANYONE ON YOUR WAY WEARING A FREAKING MASK, those b****s doesn't know who they are dealing with"
Was the last thing he yells before all of them runs inside that area, Rain shake his head a no seeing how crazy he is but he did follow him from behind
Spreading in that area like a virus, whoever they met those hellhounds finish them first, Rain stopped by a dead body looking at it, seeing his clothes that felt different, he went down and searched his pockets and as he suspected "he is a police officer" he said holding the police budge on his hands from the guy pocket. He throw it on him standing and going to another to find the same thing "this one too! It is an ambush!"
His men look at each other not knowing what they should do "Boss!"
"Tell everyone to stop, where is Third?" Rain asked
"I think he is two blocks ahead of us"
Rain frown walking fast trying to catches with the other because if they are all police officers it will be a public disaster the next morning.
Reaching the two blocks with his men Rain saw what he was afraid of "damn it"
In front of him there was Third standing with his men, and in front of Third there was a bunch of men wearing uniforms, a police uniform.
"Is there a cosplay party?" Third says loud and Rain want to smack the idiot-ness out of his head
But Rain did walks to his side "they are real police, it's an ambush they want it to looks like it is our fault"
Third look at them "damn it!" he says but heard one of them speaking…
"Killing officers, attacking a peaceful citizens, all of you will go down by law!"
"ehm…" Third look away then look at Rain "I think we should run" he said and was about to actually run but Rain grabbed him, stopping him.
Rain though about it "if we run, they will follow us by law, and it will get more complicated, but if we kill them all…"
Third understands it "dead men can't tell what happened" he went back to the front ready to shoot and fight till death "SO BRING IT ON! I ALWAYS WANTED TO KILL THE POLICE"
"Rain Volk, what brought you here? You are ruining our plan"
Rain heard from behind and the two turned to see the real Hades men coming from behind and in the middle was Orthrus speaking
"Red-guy you look important" Thirds says "I will start with you" he pointed his gun but Rain put it down with…
"Wait" he looks at Orthrus "you guys made me!"
"Sad, we would had made a very good allies, better than that dump" he said pointing to Third
"Dump!" Third says not waiting to shoot and he did
A one bullet could made everything go crazy, yet that bullet didn't hit it target but hit a baseball bat stopping it in front of Orthrus, and stopping everyone from acting since their leaders didn't act!
"The hell" Third says seeing that bat moving to someone else shoulders resting on it.
Rain could clearly see who he was, with that tank top and Tattoos he saw at the bowling lounge, and the same description Dena says about the mask being at the lower face yet his mouth could be seen, and it was Lex no doubt. So he was being played all along back at wesvil, from the moment he met him at his clinic saving him because he still needs to answer Hades. To the last moment making him meat Orthrus.
Third did mumble for Rain 'does he kind of looks like a matured Fourth?'
"Yes he do" Rain confirms it "Iatros" he says gritting his teeth with that feeling of the other looks of victory of how dump he let him look "or I should call you something else doctor?"
Iatros had the smirk but Orthrus spoke "call him whatever you like, it will be the last time tonight, unless you run away"
"Run away?" Rain says checking his gun too "The red-circle doesn't run from a fight"
Orthrus whistles seeing how fearless he was "Iatros you sure you don't need a gun?"
Yohan swings that bat in a cool way even for Rain eyes "a gun? But I don't want them dead, I want them alive to see their faces after a humiliating defeat, also look at that joker of the Hellhound calling himself a prince! I bet he can't beat me in a 1v1 fight"
"I will beat the shit out of your pretty face" Third says putting his gun down and starts running to his direction ready to throw a punch.
Rain felt that he was triggering that dump to move alone but couldn't stop him anyways "damn him!" he saw Iatros smile from miles away in between that mask, walking to him but not getting far from his men, and when the two were next each other, Third throw a punch yet the other easily dodges it and a loud sound of the bat metal meeting Third face heard making him fall immediately unconscious.
Yohan put the bat back on his shoulder again looking at the red-circle and the Hellhounds with a smirk
Seeing their leader falls with one punch the Hellhounds immediately wants to attack but one of them yells a "Don't!" and they couldn't make a move after that because they saw Orthrus taking a gun pointing it to that unconscious leader of theirs
"So…" Yohan says "let's play a game"
Rain look at the one who scream for the hellhounds taking the lead after third, and the other guy nodded to him like he is ready to listen.
"Let's fight with no guns" Yohan declares "if you win, we will retreat and no one will speak of those who the two of you killed tonight, but if we win you all going to be in a real trouble the next day facing the law judgement"
Rain didn't care less of third, but that deal is little tempting, he look at his men. Then at the guy leading the hellhounds who was waiting his orders "No guns means no guns"
"I give you my word, but one bullet from your side" Yohan pointed to Third "I will blow this guy's head!" with that he looks at the police officers far away and they all emptied their guns then throw them on the ground.
"Okay" Rain did empty his own gun too throwing it on the ground, and everyone else from his side did, even the Hellhounds.
"Amusing" Orthrus said signing to some of his men to take Third away as a guarantee then he also did the same to his gun followed by his men then start walking to the front
"We take the police you guys take Hades" he look at the one sub-leading the hellhounds saying "focus on that lower masked guy he is the brain" Rain ordered
That sub-leader nodded then says with a rough voice "you heard him! You all know where this leads if we went back without the 3rd prince! I prefer to die here tonight!"