Going back to his red-circle emperor felt perfect, it's been two weeks since he got back, and he was fully into his work from deals, meetings, plans, distribution, importing and so many other things. He usually too busy since he like to know everything and keep it under his control.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
He heard his secretary knocking then coming in, she spoke once she was in front of his desk "Your cousin is here to see you"
Rain look up from his work little confused thinking that Yuki usually doesn't come here, "let her in" he says wondering if it is an urgent matter! And as he ordered the secretary left and Yuki came in with her white and blue dress.
She smiled and walks to him "Rain!"
Rain left what in his hands and stands to the comfortable sofa at the right side of that office.
Both sat and Yuki spoke "I know you are always busy, but I just wanted to see you and see how you are"
Rain raised an eyebrow "usually you text, you don't come personally"
"True, but you kept ignoring me lately"
Rain looks down feeling little embarrassed because he do put his work first, and seeing her messages he reads them and kept them with no reply "I am sorry"
Yuki shake her head a no "it is fine, as long as you are okay" she smiled "and as long as you accept my invitation for dinner tonight!"
Rain look at her and nodded knowing that work can wait a little!
Both left the office and went to a restaurant for dinner, Rain always enjoys Yuki's company, she knows him so well and she is always so talkative to the point he never feels bored, the time with her flies he must say, because when they decide to leave that restaurant it was already late.
"Thank you for accepting my invitation" Yuki says knowing she should leave
"No, I should thank you for inviting me, it's been a long time since I enjoy my dinner like today"
Yuki smiled, she was happy hearing that "then allow me to snatch you from your work sometimes"
Rain nodded agreeing, and both and walk to the car when a bunch of cars passed by like they were racing…
"Wow" Yuki was surprised
"The Hellhounds?" Rain raised an eyebrow knowing that was the 3rd prince of the hellhounds. But what made him goes insanely like that with all of those men? "Let's go" he open the door for Yuki to get in but his phone vibrates seeing a message arrived
-From an unknown number: you like the fireworks? If yes come here-
Rain saw a map position along that message, he didn't recognize the number nor the point of the message, but he got a phone call from one of his men right after and he answered it
The caller: Boss, some Hellhounds zones are on fire
Rain had a back on the news "which one?"
The caller: they are all separated from south, north, east and west of the city
"I got it" Rain says knowing that isn't a coincidence of course, someone want them to stay busy, and separates the hellhound force! He went to the unknown message he got and dial that number because whoever texted wanted him to know what is going on, he got no reply, he frown checking the map, and he did recognize the place on the map knowing who did sent it just from it.
Getting to the driver seat he decide to take Yuki back to her home first then see what is going on.
------------// at the map position
Rain arrives there, but this time he did arrive with so many of his men, because this place he got invited to is the same place Hades took from the Hellhounds, and seeing that the hellhounds are totally busy putting the fire down he knows who is behind it…
He walks down his car, along with his men ready with their guns in their hands to shoot an ant if it decides to fly.
Around, there were men with riffles and guns wearing simple half-upper face masks, guarding the place.
"This way"
Rain heard one of those men saying while pointing with his arm to be followed, entering a building to end up in a bowling lounge filled with masked men, and what he got his intention was the wheelchair at one of the tables.
Rain heard that voice-machine of Hades speaking to him from under that mask, he looks at his men giving them the sign to stand still for now then walks to his direction. Seeing Hades pointing to the sitting space there, he did with "You came a bit early no?"
"True, but early is better than late no?"
Rain find that answer had no relation with the question, he heard him coughing again then finished his sentence
"But once I made an appearance I made sure I invited you"
Rain look around at that lounge "is this your base?"
Hades laughed under that mask "no, the boys wanted to play"
That when Rain heard the machine behind some of the masked men calling a 10 points, he look at that direction and hardly saw two men bowling, but one of them wearing all red could be recognize from miles away even if he is giving them his back "Orthrus.."
Hades sounds kind of surprised while asking the question "you know my boy?"
Rain nodded feeling the question shouldn't be asked, yet he never knows if Orthrus tells everything to Hades especially when Dena says that he doesn't care about her! So maybe even Orthrus keeps him in the dark!
His eyes landed on the other one playing with Orthrus, he was hard to be seen since he was also giving his back, yet he could see that he has tattoos all over his both arms, wondering if he is the left hand Dena talked about.
"So, did you decide?" Hades asked and Rain looks at him silently "I know I said I won't be pushing you to make a decision, but I want to see where I should stand" he coughs again "eh! eh, should I stand looking at the red-circle too, or just the Hellhounds?"
Rain shake his head "you know damn well as a red-circle I would never work under the wings of someone, yet I have no intention to help the Hellhounds either"
Hades had this sigh "I see" he says nodding "as we expect, so this means war"
Rain smirk shows up on his face while standing "it is, but make sure of one thing, I won't fight you unless you started because as much as you want I also want to see the Hellhounds falls, but if you started it I will be glad to take their side" with that he turns leaving that lounge with his men.
Behind those masked men Yohan stopped playing and turned looking at him leaving…
"Iatros! Your turn" Orthrus says and Yohan nodded looking at the ball and throw it hitting another 10 points.
Orthrus claps "Ohoo! You keep getting a perfect score! You should go in a tournament" Yohan shrugs like it is nothing and Orthrus laughed with "show off!"
"You guys done playing?" Hades came near the two with his wheelchair
"So, he refused us?" Orthrus asks and got a nod from Hades then look at Yohan "so what's next?"
"For tonight the Hellhounds will be busy with the police" Yohan says walking taking another bowling ball "but tomorrow they will come here, boldly to show off their power"
"And you think we can take them down? No way!" Orthrus declares
Yohan throw the ball "don't worry he will find a hell of a surprise" and that ball hit the pins leaving only 3 standing
------------The next day-
"So they declare war…" Edgar says while eating his lunch and Rain was sitting in front of him "I heard that the Hellhound yesterday turned off the fire and even had a conflict with the police trying to investigate"
Rain frown "so the five do follow Hades since the Hellhound struggles with law too!"
Edgar nodded "yes, but it seems odd how they knew the Hellhounds ground like that, they say that they don't know who even start those fire, no camera catches on anything"
"But seeing how they struggle with the Rogues for many years, how could the Hellhounds be an easy target?"
Edgar stopped eating his food "neither plans nor courage can bloom in a day, not in our field"
Rain though about it "I heard someone joined them lately, his left hand, and they say that Hades start to play legally in an illegal way also in the last period"
"The same way they did here, em…you think he is their planner?"
"Since even Hades daughter doesn't seem to meet him much, I assume he is"
Edgar understands "then you know who you will start with in case they strike, take the brain out of the picture first"
"Orthrus is the nickname of the right hand, and Iatros is the left one"
"Orthrus as the two headed dog!" Edgar was speaking more to himself "and Iatros as in doctor"
Rain didn't get it "what do you mean?"
"As Hades in myths means the king of the underworld, both other names have meanings too"
That when it clicked on Rain brain "wait…" Lex was the one who gave him Orthrus number, and he knows Dena too, yet he is from the Rogues but lives in wesvil Hades city! Rain felt little annoyed, did he just got tricked by that guy?
"Is everything okay?" Edgar had to ask seeing his son in a deep thoughts
Rain take out a scoff shaking his head "I think I know who is that Iatros guy is, and if it is him, he is a damn well good actor"
Edgar smiled continuing his lunch with "somehow I am glad you went to the south"
-------------// midnight.
Rain was driving his car going back to his house when he saw his phone ringing, he saw the caller was Yuki, and since he isn't working he thought that he can answer her call "hello"
Yuki: Hey! Glad you answered, I was thinking you will ignore me again
"I won't, I promise"
Yuki: I just want to see how you doing since yesterday you looked disturbed by that call
Rain felt grateful she was worried "it is just work, you still awake?"
Yuki: I just finish work, I had a special guest today I had to finish everything since they are traveling tomorrow, I am leaving ri…
But in the middle of her sentence Rain heard an explosion noise along with Yuki screaming, "YUKI!" Rain yells the name but the phone call ended, knowing something bad happen he turns the wheel immediately stepping on the gas.
Arriving at the scene where supposed to be Yuki clinic, Rain could see there was police officers around with firefighters, he looks up and saw the building on fire "the freak!" he says wanting to go near but his men following him tried to stop him.
"Boss! No"
Rain stopped looking at them knowing that going in isn't a good idea yet he heard his name being called
He turns seeing Yuki standing next an ambulance, and he runs to her with "are you okay? Did you get hurt?"
Yuki shake her head a no as she was saying she is fine, but seeing him her eyes got watery like she was about to cry, he immediately hugs her with "it's okay, I am here!" he tabs her back "Whoever did it find him" he ordered his men with a sharp tone but his mind was screaming it is Hades, because yesterday it was the Hellhounds area, but today it is his own after declaring war!
After, both were sitting in Rain car, his coat was on her shoulders, he saw her hugging it so he asked "how do you feel?"
"Better!" Yuki said after calming down "glad I was at the reception when it happened, if I was still in my office…" she stopped knowing that she could have been burned now.
"Didn't you see anything suspicious?"
Yuki shake her head a no "I was too busy with my patient"
The two heard a knock on the window car by one of Rain's men, Rain pull down the window hearing him saying
"Boss, the camera caches someone entering wearing a mask"
"What mask?" Rain had to ask before he take action
"The same one those from yesterday were wearing, Hades men, I confirmed it myself"
Rain smirks in disbelieve "so they did strike, take Yuki home, and call everyone" Yuki looked at him seeing how Rain expression was mixed of annoying and excited "we shall show them who the red-circle are, tonight it will rain blood!"