Darion recognized them immediately, and gripped his sword tightly.
Even while coughing, he managed to pronounce their names;
``Ernest and Gabriel, Camus' double-edged sword´´
The duo smiled evilly and unsheathed their swords. They pointed at Darion's neck.
Darion lowered his head, pretended to admit defeat and said:
``May I say my last words?´´
The twin duo smirked
Do you think you have the right? - Ernest said
That's it, we won't let you go. You have important things to do - Gabriel stated with an evil smile.
Darion dropped the pretense at these words, activated his sword aura and with his last words he jumped.
He jumped a few meters back, and fled, jumping between the enemy soldiers and dodging them.
Camus's double-edged sword looked at Camus, and he followed Darion quickly.
Darion used his last strength to flee, he ran and jumped for several kilometers, but before he reached a nearby forest, a dagger pierced his arm.
Darion collapsed forward, and gasped. He saw Ernest and Gabriel approaching him, and before he could admit his death, they gave him a strong blow to the neck, causing him to faint.
Darion was levitating, he looked around, it was an immense space, blue and purple, as if he were in outer space.
Am I dead? -Darion asked himself.
Some voices could be heard in the distance, Darion could not recognize them, but he went there levitating clumsily.
When he reached that bright light with a voice, the light shone brighter, and left him blind for a few moments.
The next moment, Darion woke up quickly, he was panting heavily and sweating.
He looked at his hands, looked at his still aching body, looked at the room. He didn't know where he was, but then he looked at the banner on the wall... A red flag, and a castle in the center.
T-the Camus Empire... - he whispered.
Quickly, he remembered everything that happened, and how he was sent to sleep with a knock. He got out of bed, and moved quickly. He headed towards the door of the room to leave, but before he could leave, the door suddenly opened.
Darion didn't know who it was, but he quickly hid in the closet nearby.
From the closet grate, Darion could see that several soldiers entered the room, and finally the patriarch of the Camus Empire, the Emperor, a master of swordsmanship and magic, entered.
Behind him, was Alba and Camus's double-edged sword.
Darion didn't dare to move. He just wanted those people out of there so Darion could escape.
"Where is he?"
"Where could he have gone?"
"Find him! He must be alive!"
Several voices spoke, and Daion heard the emperor looking for Darion. He thought the worst that could happen to him, which would be torture, but something brought him out of his thoughts.
He hadn't noticed, but the room had a reddish, purple and pinkish tone. It wasn't a normal room, but since the colors were typical of the Camus Empire, he didn't notice.
What made him realize it was several dolls and makeup that were on a nearby chair in the room.
Darion was stunned, his mind started working at full speed.
It can't be... -Darion thought.
He glanced at the makeup, and at the room from inside the closet.
``Whose room will this be? It won't be... ´´
Darion looked at the closet where he was hidden. His worst nightmare came true. He saw women's clothing, feminine clothing, and other beauty utensils.
Darion screamed inside the closet, and he shot out of the closet, not remembering that the emperor of the enemy empire was right there.
WHAT THE FUCK! - The emperor exclaimed.
Darion realized what had happened, screamed even louder, and said to expose them: