You want me to be a woman!?

The room fell silent, Darion feared the worst, he was sweating profusely, and he had confronted them to find out the truth.

The soldiers were stunned, the patriarch of the empire Camus, Princess Alba and the double-edged sword Camus remained silent as if their voices had gone.

It seemed like an eternity, only a few voices could be heard in the courtyard, and the wind subtly hitting the window.

Suddenly, laughter was heard, Ernest and Gabriel laughed, bent their backs to contain their laughter, and left the room.

Your Majesty, we leave it to you HAHAHAHA - said Gabriel as he left the room laughing.

The uncomfortable soldiers also left, leaving only the Patriarch, Alba and Darion alone in the room.

Once there were much fewer people, Darion confronted them.

Bastards! Are you here to make me a woman? - Darion exclaimed angrily

The patriarch raised his hands quickly, somewhat uncomfortable with the situation, Alba brought her hand to her face embarrassed.

``It's not what you think, before all the explanation, I want to introduce myself, I am Adolf, the emperor of the Camus empire.´´

I know, you are a master of the sword and magic - Darion replied

But you are not as strong as my father - He added seconds later mockingly.

Adolf smiled and nodded - Yes, it's true, but I'm still stronger than you, and now you are in my captive territory.-

Darion felt a lump in his throat, but he pulled himself together - Why do you want to make me a woman, you bastards!?-

Alba, whose face was red with shame, covered herself even more with her hands and arms. In his mind, he was dying of shame, he was making a fool of himself in front of his father!

Adolf looked at his beautiful daughter, who was red as a tomato and smiled mockingly, determined to tease his daughter.

Yes, Darion, we are going to make you into a woman, this will be your new room, and you will marry a noble from some branch of the House of Camus - Adolf said with a malevolent smile.

Darion's breath caught, while Alba could only hold back her tears of shame, but she could not help but see Darion's innocence or stupidity.

Finally after seeing that Adolfo had no intention of stopping mocking Darion, she shouted: Enough!

The old man who was mocking, and the young warrior who was about to fall into a coma from fear, looked at Alba.

Alba had removed her hands and arms from her face, her face was slightly flushed and there were some tears in her eyes, although it could not be known if they were from happiness or sadness.

Father! "Stop mocking me," Alba said, looking at him with a withering look.

Adolf noticed Alba's slight pressure, smiled playfully, and acted like a weak, understanding father. "Of course, of course."

Once her stupid old father was silent, Alba looked at Darion.

"No one is going to turn you into a woman, you dumb ass!"

Darion sighed in relief, but another fear and dread crossed his mind.

``This is my room, you had to stay here because you were very tired, we were trying all the beds in the palace, and in each one you screamed unconsciously and rolled around in them annoyed...´´ -Alba's blush on her cheeks increased slightly- ``Until you lay down in mine...´´- but quickly that blush dissolved and turned into an annoyed look- ``I had to sleep in a guest room, do you know what it's like for the crown princess to sleep in a room that's not hers!?

Darion was taken aback, and asked awkwardly;

``And why were you trying every bed with me? Technically I'm a prisoner of war...´´

Adolf laughed out loud, bending his back so much that it seemed to break. He quickly wiped his tears with a cloth.

``You're not just a prisoner Darion, you're our bargaining chip, if something happens to our valuable bargaining chip, we won't be able to negotiate properly.´´

Darion understood, it was just an object, which would be used in peace negotiations to gain an advantage. He snorted angrily and punched himself in the face

So if I come back in bad condition, I won't be useful right? - said Darion with a malevolent and mocking smile