6. Holy shit!

°Sofia's Pov°

You have got to be kidding me!!

I still cannot believe what I'm seeing...its Preston's coach. And he's my date?!

Ooh God no...why? What did I ever do to you?!

I compose myself as he sits next to me.

CREED: Miss Ives?

SOFIA: What? You're who?

CREED: Wow, you really must have an ear thing.

SOFIA: Excuse me?!

CREED: My apologies. I said I'm Creed Griffin.

SOFIA: Why...what...

CREED: I know! Coincidence? Or Fate?

He's messing with me.

SOFIA: If this is some kind of joke...its not funny and will never be funny. What are you doing here?

CREED: You look...gorgeous by the way. And nicer than you were the last time we met. Oh..and did you notice we won the football game?

SOFIA: I...i might have..an idea..or so..

CREED: Yeah..thanks for your 'nice' input though. It didn't seem to help at all. But thanks.

Great! I can't seem to find my voice...or breathe properly.

SOFIA: uh...excuse me...i need to use the restroom.

I didn't wait for him to say anything as I hurriedly left to to the bathroom.


I dial Layla on my phone as she picks on the first ring...yup..she must be waiting for ne to call.

LAYLA: Heyyyy...it's not going well huh? Do you need me to lie for you again?

SOFIA: Um..no. no.

LAYLA: Is he cute? What does he look like?

SOFIA: Well...he..he looks like Preston's coach.

LAYLA: Ohh...wow...that hot? You must be totally confused about meeting his principal now-

SOFIA: No..no...Layla...He is Preston's coach..

LAYLA: huh...What??!

SOFIA: Yeah..I know.

LAYLA: Oh...oh shit...this is even better than I imagined!! Really?!

SOFIA: How is this better?! I was rude to this man and now he turns out to be my blind fucking date?! No way..I'm leaving.

LAYLA: You cannot leave! Father would know! Look...just stay with him..you can tell him you're not interested and he obviously doesn't like you either..so the date doesn't have to take long.

SOFIA: You're right...you are so right. I'm gonna go right now...okay..thanks...I'll call you. Bye."

Wow. She is smart sometimes! I

I don't let her say anything else cause I know she would want me to still be on the line. I immediately walk back to the restaurant and- Crap I spot him talking to a really pretty brunette in the most sluttiest sequin gown you could fucking imagine, she looks really young too. Is he talking to another bitch?! And why the fuck do I care?! This is good I thought. I walk towards them as his eyes meet mine..fuck he's so sexy! No! Focus.

CREED: You're back-

SOFIA: Yeah..I'm leaving. Your real date is here. I knew this cannot be happening.

CREED: Wha...no...

SOFIA: Just so you know, it's your loss and I think she's little too young for you. Either that or you are just creepy or she's a slut. Enjoy the rest of the night.

I feel the bit-, I mean...woman's eyes on me and i couldn't give two flying fucks as I bolt out of the restaurant to my car. Hr didn't come after me so I'm correct. This is sooo good! I start the engine. Wait...wait a second...why is he with that woman if father arranged our date?! How dare he bring her? Who is she?! Okay...I'm mad now. I ring up godfather a d he picks almost immediately.

"GODFATHER : where the hell are you going young lady?

SOFIA : oh good...you can see me, i assume you can also see that he has a date already.


SOFIA : I don't wanna hear it....you set me up with a douchebag who is interested in cheap hookers! He couldn't even wait for me to leave! No..that's it. I don't want you setting me up anymore...I've had enough!!

GODFATHER: If you would just listen-

SOFIA: No!! I'm done okay? This is my life and you don't get to tell me how to live it. I'm sorry but it's enough. Let me make my decisions...okay? I'll call you later. Bye."

Okay. That was good. I'm gonna lie I was drunk to talk to him like that but still...had to be said. I need to relax and forget about everything. I head to the location 'Gary Summers' sent to me. It's a nice hotel...not my type but it'll do. I walk to the receptionist with a smile this time... I look at her name tag 'MONICA' written in all caps..

SOFIA: Hi...I need the exclusive suite.

MONICA: Yes maam... cash or card?

SOFIA: Card...who carries cash anyways huh?

MONICA: Uh-huh.

I search my purse for my card and I don't feel it...its not a big purse so it can't be that hard to find. No..no..God no!! It must have fell in the restaurant! I heard something fall but I was bent on making a dramatic exit and didn't bother looking back. The receptionist still had a smile on her face..probably just doing her job but I could tell she wasn't smiling on the inside.

SOFIA: I'm gonna transfer.


SOFIA: I'm also expecting a guest incase I'm not close to the phone in the room.

MONICA: Duely noted maam.

SOFIA: Done.

MONICA: Thankyou...enjoy your stay.

She hands the key to me as I made the transfer to the hotel then she signals one of the workers to show me to my room. Quite exquisite I'll say. Its freaking cold and I love it. I throw my purse on the bed, take off my shoes and roll up a doobie.'Gary' texts that he's close to the hotel. I head to the bathroom to wash up the ladies then continue my high.

Someone knocks on the door and well...I knew who it was. So I didn't bother wearing anything to avoid small talk. I open the door in a sexy way..the smoke covering my sight a little and I hear his voice. Only...it...it wasn't Gary's voice.

CREED: Holy shit.

Holy shit indeed.