"Godfather: You better be there by eight thirty young lady. Do not let me call you or come over. It will not be good"
Shit. Just shit.
Its already eight twenty and I'm still staring at the black knee length gown the stylist sent to me. Father knows I'd dress horribly to not impress my date. Damn. Well..I'm still gonna meet 'Gary Summers'. That's Preston's principal's name. And yes...I'm gonna be late on purpose. I put on the dress and damn! This is definitely gonna impress my blind date! It brought out my curves...I'm not exactly big but I'm okay...'Rachel Green' from 'friends' okay. I did not apply much make up..but I do not go anywhere without lipgloss..and lashe extensions. I put on a black heel I bought weeks ago but forgot and unpack my straightened hair letting it pour. Last minute checks...yep..I am fineeee. I grab my nude birkin purse and leave.
I decide to not use a driver as I don't plan on staying for long. Plus the drivers are sent by father and they tell him everything I do. So yeah. Took about twenty minutes to get to the restaurant. I don't even know this person's face...father refused to show me. All I know is that his name is 'Creed Griffin'. Is he somebody? Cause I have never heard that name before. The only Griffins I know of are Billionaires and I'm very sure father has no contact with them as they are all not in this country.
I walk in the restaurant, scanning the place...its pretty nice...okay..very nice, not too packed..maybe just fourteen people, yep, I count that fast. I find an empty space as i take my sit. Ookay...when is this over? I'm calling father.
"Sofia: hello? Hey...yes...I'm there...yes...yes I am. I am! Why would I lie? You have someone watching me..ask them. *scoff* ofcourse I know. I've known you for years? *pause* okay? How do I know if- huh? Uh...I'm wearing a black handles gown. My hair...uh...straightened and really shiny. *pause* father! Okay...I have the diamond necklace you gave to me last year. Good? Okay...fine..I'll wait..bye"
I'm waiting??! But I took so long in getting dressed,how come I'm waiting? Fuck.
Already ten minutes since I called father and nothing. I focus on my phone and wine the waiter got as soon as I arrived. I'm ready to call father again as i look up and see the most handsome face i have ever seen in my life...okay maybe I'm exaggerating but still...holy fuck!! His black suit is really black...he must love black like I do cause there is no colour on him. God! he made me feel all tingly down there. But- no. No! Hell fucking No!! Its Preston's coach?! What is he doing here? Maybe on a date or something. Shit I really taught I had escaped. Chill...maybe he won't see me. And he walked straight to me and sat.
CREED: Hi. Miss Ives?
Fuck me.
°Creed's POV°
I really don't want to go through this again. I am going to find a woman on my own terms. Yes I'm thirty...and still young dammit.
I glance at my watch, eight fifty. I'm driving slow and I hope she gets mad and leave so I don't have to go through this. Again. I get to the restaurant parking lot. This place is big. And I haven't been here before, why? I got down from my car, arranged my black tuxedo properly and head in.
I spot a pretty blonde woman in a black gown. Must be her, I thought. Oh..nope..she's wearing a one hand gown..my 'Date's gown doesn't have a hand. Delightful. I quickly look to my right and...Wait- is that...no..it can't be, the description match perfectly! The outfit, the hair color...I think the face is a bonus cause WOW! Okay, I was definitely not expecting this. Composing myself I walk straight to her like I knew who I was meeting all along. She looked at me, really shocked but hid it well. This should be fun.
I never thought I'd see her again after that stunt she pulled...she was really funny though. And beyond beautiful. I asked my nephew about her and he couldn't say a lot cause he only plays with his friend. I do know she's the bestfriend of his friends mom...and from my point of view...she's either very rude or didn't have anything to eat before coming to watch kids play football and start yelling at the coach. I looked for her when we won...I wanted to see the look on her face but she left...probably embarrassed cause I saw her in her car and she wasn't that happy and it was fun to watch too.
Now...she's my date. My blind date. What is this? Fate? Cause no...not her. She looks like a job and I'm not qualified. I sit next to her with a smile I can tell she hates right now,and I didn't care.
CREED: Miss lves?
SOFIA: uhm...what..what do you want? Why are you here?
CREED: I'm on a date-
SOFIA: Oh great...that's great. And you had to leave her to come speak with me? I don't know you pal, move along. And...and who is your date? Why would she let you leave her to come talk to a stranger? Huh?
CREED: Uhm...if you would let me speak-
SOFIA: Yes..I was rude to you but that wasn't my fault. You would have told me Preston was tired. How hard is that?
CREED: Not hard at all i must say. But where's the fun in that?
SOFIA: Fun? Why is that supposedly fun?
CREED: I actually think you're way hotter when you get mad. I find you really sexy. Plus, not a lot of people can talk to me like that.
SOFIA: Oh yeah? Who the hell are you?
CREED: I'm Creed Griffin.
God! the look on her face was everything. I'm starting to love my life now.