Saturday, 4:20pm...
LAYLA: he left you in the room alone...and you didn't leave?
SOFIA: Leave for what? He paid for the room. And I was so high so I decided that not moving was a good choice.
LAYLA: Oh really need to stop doing this. I can't believe he said he loved you and you just chickened out. What is the...I mean...why?
SOFIA: Are you seriously asking me that right now?
LAYLA: I know...but gotta move on at some point.
SOFIA: And I have. That's why I don't need any man in my life. I'm perfectly okay like this.
LAYLA: Okay..but are you happy?
SOFIA: And who says having a man determines happiness? I'm fine..okay?
LAYLA: Okay.
SOFIA: Good. Now i just have to convince my godfather too. He's very stubborn.
LAYLA: You're stubborn too.
SOFIA: Can you believe he set me up on a blind date. Again! I thought that shit was over.
LAYLA: Oh...he did? Cause..uh..I also...I also have someone I think you should meet..he's..
SOFIA: Not. another. word.
LAYLA: Comeon...give him a chance..he's really nice-
SOFIA: I had another nightmare.
That should shut her up.
SOFIA: was too real this time. I woke up shaking...I think he's gonna come for me one day.
LAYLA: That is not happening. Godfather isn't dead..and evening he were...that bastard is gonna rot in jail. I don't know what you're afraid of. He's in maximum security prison. That's probably the highest. A million miles away from you.
SOFIA: I know..I know..I just...I need to stop sleeping or's getting worse. I..I actually prayed one night after a terrible one.
LAYLA: Oh wow. Uh..that's.. something. That's good though...did..did it help?
SOFIA: Yeah. I slept like a baby. Felt like someone was watching over me and I was at peace.
LAYLA: Oh..okay...trying that.
I almost forgot we were at Layla's son school...I hate thinking about my nightmares..I just zone out and I get to be in this little prison with no window...basically I feel claustrophobic.
The kids were getting ready for the friendly football match. Friendly or not...I want my baby boy to win or I'm gonna freak. I always do...I curse the coaches out and the other team coach. Yeah..they really do not like me and I would be banned but I contribute a lotta money soo..yeah. The game starts...its pretty funny looking at their little legs running around and yelling a lot of things I barely understand. I can't wait to leave.
It's almost half time and my little 'Preston's ' team is...losing?! What the hell? Who is coaching these kids?! I look at Preston..he's definitely upset.
LAYLA: Oh no..he's not happy.
SOFIA: I know...who is their damn coach?
LAYLA: I don't think this has anything to do with their coach sofi.
SOFIA: It does..a lot. He has Preston playing defense when he should be a striker!! Who arranged this team?!
LAYLA: Hey...chill..its just a game...a friendly one.
SOFIA: Yeah and Preston is not winning!!
LAYLA: Must we go through this everytime sofi?
SOFIA: Is he benching Preston?!!! And that kid too?? That kid is good... what... I'm going over there!
I ignore Layla and head to the field even if it's not one dared stopped me.. I saw the principal and some teachers frowning but I didn't care..I walk to the coach...he must have some damn nerve to bench my boy..and that kid who's really good too.
SOFIA: Hey! Coach!! What the hell is the matter with you? You're benching good players...are you fucking blind or something??! Wha-
The beautiful...wait..pretty? can I describe this gorgeous motherfucker?! Is he also created my God? What a ripoff! Describing him wouldn't be enough...cause there are no words...he definitely looks way. Wait. He benched Preston!! I don't care how godlike he looks..I am gonna give him a peace of my mind- as soon as I can calm my vagina...she keeps tingling!! And it feels like I ran? Cause why is my heart beating so fast? Oh I having a stroke from seeing this demi-god??!
COACH: Excuse me?
Are you fucking kidding me with that voice???!! Why does he sound like that? Why does he look like that?! Calm down girl...just relax...
SOFIA: cannot bench that kid...and that one...they're good. You just have them playing the wrong positions.
COACH: Really now?
SOFIA: Yes! Did you not see them out there?
COACH: I did..and that's why I'm replacing them.
SOFIA: But you have them playing a position they're not familiar with!! You're obviously new and know nothing-
The damn principal Interrupts me.
PRINCIPAL: uhh...sorry...what's the problem this time miss Sofia?
SOFIA: This doesn't concern you sir-
COACH: It kinda does...since he's the principal? Look I got this under control...just go sit your pretty little ass okay?
SOFIA: What did you say to me??
COACH: I believe you're not deaf.
SOFIA: Look I know these kids...I've watched them play before... Preston is a good striker. Why are you not using him?? You work for the other team right??
PRINCIPAL: Miss Sofia....please...
SOFIA: Where did you hire this dumbass from?! Look buddy....
COACH: You need to go sit down now lady.
LAYLA: Not this again...comeon..come...let's go..
SOFIA: What? He is rude! Why are you taking his side? You know Preston is good-
LAYLA: Oh my God! You're embarrassing Preston!! Let's go!
I look at Preston who has his head down and instantly feel bad. Ooh..this hot stranger is lucky. Fucking lucky. I return to my seat with Layla and continue watching the game in anger...
The game is finally over and... well Preston's team won 3:2. What? Oh I owing the coach an apology now?
LAYLA: They won? They won!!
LAYLA: Oh have to apologise to the coach.
SOFIA: I'm not gonna do that.
LAYLA: have to cause you thought he was stupid and...what's the word? Blind?! Is it?
SOFIA: Whatever...I'm not apologising to that asshole. Matter of fact, I'm leaving. I'll see you in the car.
And so I left to wait for Layla in my car...
It's been thirty minutes and she hasn't come yet...I keep calling her phone till I see her coming over with my 'Preston' and the kid that's good in playing. Why? But behind them is...fuck! The coach! Why is he coming over too??
LAYLA: Hey...they're done...little 'Marv' here left his cleats in Preston's bag which happens to be in your car. So open the boot.
SOFIA: Wait...why'he here...
LAYLA: Oh..apparently...that's marv's uncle.
Layla I know that smile and she's glad I'm going through this. She can tell I'm about to bolt but can't. She got Marv's things from my boot and gave it to his uncle who didn't look at me once...good. Really? he not affected? Whatever...I dont care..
He said something to Layla...something funny I guess cause she laughed and looked at me. Really bitch? He then left with Marc and gave me a small smile...small...pretty...handsome...fucking smile.
SOFIA: What did he say to you?
LAYLA: Oh..nothing important.
SOFIA: Oh no it must be important cause you know him?
LAYLA: I don't know him a lot..I just know he is Preston's bestfriends uncle.
SOFIA: You know you would have told me that when I was about to meet him right?
LAYLA: Yeah but it wouldn't be fun.
SOFIA: You bitch. I hate you. Well? What did he say?
LAYLA: Just that he thinks you too pretty to be be that rude.
SOFIA: Really? Well...he benched Preston!. It's not my fault he is not a good coach.
LAYLA: He didn't bench Preston cause he wasnt good...Preston was tired. He saw it. And so was his nephew. They weren't even supposed to play but he let them so they wouldn't be sad.
PRESTON: Can we go now please? I really need a nap.
SOFIA: Sure honey... did you have a good time though?
PRESTON: Yeah..but I don't think my coach likes you very much.
SOFIA: Really now.
PRESTON: Yeah..he calls you "Crazy"..but with a smile..I don't know why he smiled when he made fun of you. Then I told him you're not crazy but just over the top sometimes.
SOFIA: Oooh..honey...he is not normal either...but Thankyou for defending me. Ice cream?
PRESTON: Yeah...after napping.
SOFIA: Awesome! Let's go!
LAYLA: What nap? It's almost're actually going to sleep.
PRESTON: cream first.
SOFIA: Okay honey.
I start the car and drive off to 'Hot Scoops ice cream place's such a confusing name for an ice cream shop. But still cool. Layla and I have to get the ice cream without Preston to talk a little since I'm dropping them off I'm about five minutes.
LAYLA: Still going on the date right?
SOFIA: Do I have a choice though? I have to.
LAYLA: Please don't wear your 'not interested' date outfit.
SOFIA: I wouldn't. It's a really classy restaurant..I have to represent.
LAYLA: In other have another date after your blind date.
SOFIA: Exactly.
LAYLA: Who is it this time?
SOFIA: Preston's Principal.
LAYLA: WHAT?! Isn't he married??
SOFIA: Divorced. We've been talking a lot and I'm giving it a shot. He's really nice.
LAYLA: I know. That's the last time I let you attend a PTA meeting in my place. Does he know about your rule?
SOFIA: Not really..but it's cool...he looks chill with the way things are right now.
LAYLA: Oh better end things in good terms okay? I don't want Preston suffering cause of you. Again.
SOFIA: Comeon..that is not gonna happen. And if it does..Preston is gonna have to change his school.
LAYLA: I don't want it happening at all...Again!
SOFIA: Okay! Fine. Don't worry.
I got vanilla mixed with favourite and chocolate with Oreos toppings for Preston. Layla isn't a fan of ice cream. Says it's too cold and hurts her teeth...what?
Layla can be a bitch sometimes...but I love her...and Preston.. my baby boy.
Okay...I drop them off at home and head home to get ready ahead of my damn blind date. I don't think I'll dress bad since I still have to meet Preston's principal. I don't wanna have to go home and change again. Besides...I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna like my date so it'd end pretty fast. I'm sure.